Didn't wanna thread jack so yea. I guess for me torrents will be my method of watching the Pacific. I'll have to read those books too. I'm gonna have a lot of time to read here soon.
Hahaha! creepy and funny! My favorite kind of funny!

ok, soooooo.......
its been ONE YEAR to the day, since i had my last cigarette.
im officially going on record to state: "im a non-smoker" whooo hoooo!
actually, my last newport was march 31st 2008, but i wanted to reflect the first day i went clean. it hasnt been easy but i think cold turkey was the best possible way for me. i tried the...
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its been ONE YEAR to the day, since i had my last cigarette.
im officially going on record to state: "im a non-smoker" whooo hoooo!
actually, my last newport was march 31st 2008, but i wanted to reflect the first day i went clean. it hasnt been easy but i think cold turkey was the best possible way for me. i tried the...
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yeah buddddy I was a lake rat ha lived out at lake naci... but also in atascadero with the pops and if I told you who he was you'd for sure know who I am eekkk
We'll be in a white firebird...lovingly refered to as Shadowfax. (Because he's white and has horsepower.)
I feel like an old man, but: I remember when Paso was the red-headed stepchild of Atascadero (I used to live on 19th and Park in Paso) and then "wine" replaced "almonds" and the city exploded with fancy-dancy.
I still smile when I think about all of the renovations to give the town a "facelift" and the giant earthquake that ruptured the sulfur pocket...and made the town smell like armpit for months!
Now, I have to go run and tell some kids to get off my lawn.
I feel like an old man, but: I remember when Paso was the red-headed stepchild of Atascadero (I used to live on 19th and Park in Paso) and then "wine" replaced "almonds" and the city exploded with fancy-dancy.
I still smile when I think about all of the renovations to give the town a "facelift" and the giant earthquake that ruptured the sulfur pocket...and made the town smell like armpit for months!

Now, I have to go run and tell some kids to get off my lawn.
this makes me soooo happy right now:
so sad i missed them live in SF when they rolled through.
especially after watching this:
butttttttt, there is a new GirlTalk mix out. that should hold me over....go get it:
you can stream it on his myspace too:
this summer bands are going on tour and stopping in every fuckin city in california...
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so sad i missed them live in SF when they rolled through.
especially after watching this:
butttttttt, there is a new GirlTalk mix out. that should hold me over....go get it:
you can stream it on his myspace too:
this summer bands are going on tour and stopping in every fuckin city in california...
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Cute? awwww, well thank you 

... heh yeah it completely kills how much i used it....
I'm not sure if MAF is going to stress more over the 3rd goal or I am. Such is life.

too bad you didn't root for the wings.
at least you would have been rooting for the winning team.
like me.
at least you would have been rooting for the winning team.
like me.
back from Reno. the liver needs a few days vacation. paid.
saturday night with the crew was pretty awesome but this is the best highlight of my weekend:
saturday night with the crew was pretty awesome but this is the best highlight of my weekend:
wow you're super busy! mr. cool and popular with stuff to do. shesh!
He did and I got it. And I got my card right now. Can't wait for a dungeon or raid to check it out.
And thank you for finding it! You sir rock!
And thank you for finding it! You sir rock!
i havent smoked in one week. i havent even had cravings except during the weekend. drinking + bowling = huge need for a cigarette. its just human nature.
*Wednesday - Penguins begin their dismantling of the Ottawa Senators.
*beautiful weekend ahead! gonna be almost 90 in the bay. finally! its usually been nice during the weekend and then windy and cold on saturday and sunday....
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*Wednesday - Penguins begin their dismantling of the Ottawa Senators.
*beautiful weekend ahead! gonna be almost 90 in the bay. finally! its usually been nice during the weekend and then windy and cold on saturday and sunday....
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thank you! it makes me feel like a detective when i wear it.
that's awesome that you haven't had a cigarette in a week. are you quitting? i quit about six months ago and it was surprisingly easy for me. and now i hate the smell of smoke. weird how that comes around to bite you in the ass, huh.
that's awesome that you haven't had a cigarette in a week. are you quitting? i quit about six months ago and it was surprisingly easy for me. and now i hate the smell of smoke. weird how that comes around to bite you in the ass, huh.
Thank you!I'm so happy !

getting rushed to the emergency room on april fools day is natures way of fucking with me. especially after four hours of tests they concluded nothing is wrong. on top of that, all my friends refused to pick me up after i was discharged because they all thought i was playing a joke. double slam.
i think its time to change paths in life.
i think its time to change paths in life.

dude what happened?