Bush now speaks to a sea of forced smiles in Canada. I am now tuely embarressed to be Amerikan (sic.).
11:20 Eastern- Bush delivers an audible FART! He's nervous, as well he should be. This is a con, a ruse to prop up our disheveled economy, as it plummets at full speed in an accellerating nose-dive.
As artificial as the laughter he elicits with his...
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11:20 Eastern- Bush delivers an audible FART! He's nervous, as well he should be. This is a con, a ruse to prop up our disheveled economy, as it plummets at full speed in an accellerating nose-dive.
As artificial as the laughter he elicits with his...
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In Response to Madison's Toilet Entry---
I once stayed at a little old art deco joint, adjacent to the Kit Kat Club, in NY, It was nicely restored, though, with a beautifully muralled lobby. We were in town for a Bowie/Phillip Glass show aroun the corner at Carnegie Hall. (Tibet House Fundraiser) Now, understand that these are like, "vintage" crappers in this place. I mean...
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I once stayed at a little old art deco joint, adjacent to the Kit Kat Club, in NY, It was nicely restored, though, with a beautifully muralled lobby. We were in town for a Bowie/Phillip Glass show aroun the corner at Carnegie Hall. (Tibet House Fundraiser) Now, understand that these are like, "vintage" crappers in this place. I mean...
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Hello mr. I hope your weekend went well.
hahahaha Neo that is a riot. Once when I was in high school, I was at a small gathering of friends. I innocenty peed in my friends bathroom, flushed and the horror began. It quickly overflowed and flooded the bathroom. My friends made fun of me and called it "Lake Urineata". Ahhh what wonderful memories.
I'm NOT doing the dinner and show with Gayle Ann Dorsey. I need to not do a mellow night, because tonight we launch my own personal : Project MAYHEM. No questions......We will first hit the Starlight Ballroom, for the much awaited, The Faint show, who have grown so much in their last 3 cd's that I think everyone must hear the latest, "Wet from Birth"....
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i see you
That wasnt me at the Cramps show. If I woulda been anywhere that night, it woulda been PJ Harvey. But alas, I was in bed sleeping soundly
How is it that through a lot of tough times, injury, physical impairment, a lost love, far away and seriously ill---All the shit, life's pleasures estracted....Then, kind of from out of the blue, a twinkle of hope appears, and a connection is made?Not the bull-shitty inuendo slathered smoke screen that comprises those "datey places", these are real women, not the vapid silicon sacs, portrayed as...
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Listen I don't like you trying to pretend you know who I am you don't. I was going to try to ignore you and leave it at that. But I don't like your poem and I just don't wish to talk to you. This is my no bullshit statement ok...I find most of your comments and or posts to be creepy...goodbye.
I'm disgusted with our political process, and the prevailing state of idiocy that is the USSA. Religion has fucked this up; as it has been the cause of a shit storm of fear and hate. If I don't dismiss it...well, issue dismissed.
Today, Howard Stern announced the inevitable signing of a five year contract with Sirius Satellite. I knew what was to come next. The...
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Today, Howard Stern announced the inevitable signing of a five year contract with Sirius Satellite. I knew what was to come next. The...
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Halloween is soon approaching and it is getting my synapses afray. I decided to finally do a Suicide_Boys set brcause I have to be involved in 19 million open projects at once. After much time shooting some jewelery and sculpture in various stages of completion, I was all in gear, and geared up. Juicy bloodletting included. But alas a redo in in the works (no...
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Maybe I will go. Are you going to the Cramps? I don't really decide if I am going somewhere till the last minute. But I am told I should get out more
Nothing wrong with a little chaos. Let's be trouble makers of the worst sort. "Self improvement is masterbation... now self destruction..." I love drinking rum
Here is one of the shots, just to encourage you to come on over.
For you to peruse.