Bush now speaks to a sea of forced smiles in Canada. I am now tuely embarressed to be Amerikan (sic.).
11:20 Eastern- Bush delivers an audible FART! He's nervous, as well he should be. This is a con, a ruse to prop up our disheveled economy, as it plummets at full speed in an accellerating nose-dive.
As artificial as the laughter he elicits with his joke book speach, is the simultaneous move of the Dow into triple digits. He should just say how badly we need the Canadian commerce.
11:20 Eastern- Bush delivers an audible FART! He's nervous, as well he should be. This is a con, a ruse to prop up our disheveled economy, as it plummets at full speed in an accellerating nose-dive.
As artificial as the laughter he elicits with his joke book speach, is the simultaneous move of the Dow into triple digits. He should just say how badly we need the Canadian commerce.
Here is one of the shots, just to encourage you to come on over.
For you to peruse.