ok so bart's back from boston and he brought me back this bobblehead of justin timberlake. that thing is sooooo scary and funny at the same time. I LOVE IT! he looks demonic.
i feel even worse for the kitty now b/c yesterday we realized that she has a broken tooth and one of her ribs is sticking out weird and no matter how scared she is won't scratch or bite she just kinda puts her tail between her legs and her ears back and she puts up with it. something really sad about a kitty that doesn't fight. i have a feeling that she was abused or that someone kicked her reeeally hard. poor baby. poor baby robot.
she's learning how to play though and last night she kept attacking my feet which i take to be a good sign.
i'm gonna go pay attention to bart now.
p.s. freyja is now one of my favorite people.
i feel even worse for the kitty now b/c yesterday we realized that she has a broken tooth and one of her ribs is sticking out weird and no matter how scared she is won't scratch or bite she just kinda puts her tail between her legs and her ears back and she puts up with it. something really sad about a kitty that doesn't fight. i have a feeling that she was abused or that someone kicked her reeeally hard. poor baby. poor baby robot.

i'm gonna go pay attention to bart now.

p.s. freyja is now one of my favorite people.

teach them bitches to mind they bidness!!!
also, how can freyja NOT be one of your favorite people???