i've been sick all weekend. i'm hoping that it's just cold and not tonsilitis carryover from 4 weeks ago. it doen't help with how brutal the last month has been. mind you it's been rather fun, just brutal. three weeks ago was Houston, TX for an open house show. everynight the sales group we were working with took us out and every night we all drank way too much. that rocked and made the days barely livable. last week was a Monday flight to San Jose, CA, work two full days and then fly back Wednesday to CT. jetlag means you can't sleep after getting back. that's probably why i'm sick again.
i'm thinking it's about time i joined SGCT. all this time i've been in denial or shock about moving to CT. it doesn't help how rudely the corporation offered me layoff or move. now they think it's a done deal that i'm moving back to CA, just because i submitted my resume for the position. funny, i don't remember accepting the postion just yet. i think it needs a little sweetener first. so who knows maybe i'll go back or maybe i'll stay.
i'm thinking it's about time i joined SGCT. all this time i've been in denial or shock about moving to CT. it doesn't help how rudely the corporation offered me layoff or move. now they think it's a done deal that i'm moving back to CA, just because i submitted my resume for the position. funny, i don't remember accepting the postion just yet. i think it needs a little sweetener first. so who knows maybe i'll go back or maybe i'll stay.
Hope you feel better and look forward to your being able to a possible event... They're usually equidistant from your locale.