Hello SG - long time no see!

For the last two weeks, I've been working ten and eleven-hour days at my new job, and then not being able to sleep when I get home. It's a pretty brutal combination, and today upon visiting my parents, the first thing my dad says is "you've lost weight!" No shit.

Despite me being dog-shit tired, I've concluded that...
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Gin wink Gets me to sleep every time, ROFL... no, not really surreal But I do hear it works... whatever

Glad to hear your job is working out for you so far, all that overtime must be awesome... I like working heaps, though, cos i get heaps of money but have no time to spend it, lol. My Ebay addiction however has been changing that theory a lot lately whatever

I managed to get one of 500 real copies of Hummer biggrinbiggrin I am over the moon. Have you ever heard his Devlab record? It's much, much different to his other stuff but still genius, mind you... I would so have his babies biggrin
Chew some valarium root and get more exercise.

Need a screamo drummer? Move to Sydney wink

I've been lamenting how little I get paid and how much of that little goes into drinking my ass off. The band is doing an EP soon so fuck yeah, rock on god damn it. It's going to be an eye opening and wallet opening experience surreal
I thought my rental horror story from a few months back was over for good. Now, that story has a sequel.

For those unfamiliar with the bullshit I had to deal with in order to stay at my house, please read this - basically, rent wasn't paid, banks denied loans and extinguished all hope we had for staying at our place, and right before we...
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Um, yeah. The solution: your own apartment. Fuck that shit. I will never, never go back to roommates again.

And thanks for the compliment on my replaced set!
Drinking makes visiting my folks fun. I've had quite a few glasses of wine, so excuse me if I lapse into incoherence.

New job is going well - I had my first shift at another store location and thought I did alright. At the very least, I got a nice head-start when it comes to operating the cardboard crusher. While we're putting the shop together,...
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Oh SG, please forgive me - I have neglected you far too long.

Hello, everyone! Quite a bit has happened since I last posted here (which was ages ago), so let me get you all up to speed, starting with...

I GOT A JOB! Yes, it happened, and I'm excited that I shall be earning decent monies very shortly. Just like my last job, it's...
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Yay, congrats on the job, I really hope it all works out for you smile What sort of shop is it, by the way?
I can't believed I paid $27 for the Refused Are Fucking Dead DVD. You were getting raped by webstores? I got raped by JB HiFi.

New Mastodon is great.

Isis DVD is great.

Have or got any or all or either? shocked

I feel like I'm about ready to step up to Mike Patton mode with the amount of shit I've been experimenting with musically as of late. I want to be a band whore! biggrin

When do we get Constance recordings? The Geminus Loco are looking at an EP release in February.
Things always work out. They just do. No good ever comes of throwing a fit or wallowing in negativity, because no matter what the situation, I now know that I've surrounded myself with good people that will come to my aid in times of need, just as I'd do so for them.

I remember years ago reading somewhere that one starts to make the friends...
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Those are sober visions.

Usually when I'm on something I get so beyond fucked up I can't remember a thing tongue
Fox News has been on the air for ten years today.

Scary, don't you think?
yeah more friends are AWESOME biggrin biggrin biggrin i am flattered

i dont think ill outlive you... i eat... far too much... far too often... and shag far too much... with far too many hot girls ( I WISH)... call me a hedonist

and besides i am a farmer... i am likely to get rolled by a tractor in my prime... seems to be how the rest of them go
are you threatening to photoshop my pussy! THAT is AWEFULLY rude of you! i ought to put you over my knee boy!
I have no money until Friday, and here I am, scanning Interpunk, Relapse, and various other webstores for more records mere days after getting my order of out-of-print stuff from the US. I'm sick - sick and completely addicted.

Last night was fun, and a bit of an eyeopener - 299 actually doesn't suck. After a bit of a slow start to the evening and...
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"Dude, you produce enough negative energy to power a city."

That was my friend to me after yet another one of my rage filled monologues.

Wrote an 80s hair metal song in a stupor last night; Love Boat on the River Styx biggrin
Hell yeah party central!! Go 299! wink
September, whilst not over yet, is nearing its end and seeing as I haven't posted anything here for a long time, I'll give a bit of a summary of what this month had to offer.

I reviewed three shows for Tsunami magazine this month, all three of which I had to fight to get into because I wasn't on the door list for any of...
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No tour announced for Dillinger, so don't get your hopes up, but it needs to be done when they've got the next album out and decide to come visit.

Musicians who think with their dicks need to be castrated; your house mate included.

Mang, I've got shitzor pedals. Dixons, more accurately. I manage to do beserk nonsensical patterns okay, triplets with the right foot and doubles on the left, it just provides an underlying rumble of doom to whatever else is going on. The straight double kick rolling is what kills me. I probably need more Slayer tongue
Or a kick up the cock, if you want to hit him where it hurts.
I've been meaning to update this for a while now - but every time I sit down and see that blank text box in front of me, just waiting to be filled up with clever musings and reflections, I draw a complete blank. I know I've done stuff over the last week or so, and I remember those things... but nothing seems worth writing about....
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i/m gonna be in brissie on two seperate occassions next month.we should hang out and talk about how good the black dahlia murder show is gonna be
Ahoy indeed i saw Carcass & from what i remember ( beer was involved) they were..average...now Bolt Thrower were a different matter..Devastatingly brutal,it was a 2 lvl venue & people were stage diving from the 2nd floor
I see your Pig Destroyer & see you an Assuck
Mmm i love Oranges,hell most fruit & veg ( im Vegitarian donchaknow)..good luck with the Guitarist situation
Well, my house is officially the Constance house now. Leo moved his stuff in a little under a week ago, and James finally finishing moving stuff in yesterday. As awesome as this is, there is a problem - our old housemates are still living here. They've vacated their rooms, allowing the others to move in, but they're both sleeping in our living room. Not only...
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$13? That sucks. Though I suppose as long as we don't owe them any money we can't really complain. Mate of mine has to pay $400 but if he'd earned $1000 less they'd have given him $500 back. Thats crap.
And don't even get me started on the $15,000 that my boyfriend owes them!!! mad
"the absence of toms"

Well punned, sir! biggrin

You attending the GC BBQ? There is a secret plot thickening and formulating and caramelizing like so many onions in a pan right now, so I may, as if by magick, appear, ready for battle and strip poker on November 5 wink

Something you might dig; Green Milk from the Planet Orange