There's something about going out and drinking with my best friend that makes me say aloud a lot of things I find hard to admit to myself. Hearing these things and discussing them back and forth is more than friendly conversation with someone I know I can trust, it's also constructive and damn therapeutic.

I'm a much better person than I was two years ago....
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Thans for the birthday wishes mate,very much appreciated-i had a quiet day cause i was mostly asleep but plan on making up for it next week when i plan on seeing The Hard Ons next Wed and then Rosetta on the Saturday night..a week of rock n roll mayhem..yay
I hear you there with you talking & drinking with you best friend,my bestest mate now lives in N.Z but regardless im still trying to make myself a better person..some days i feel i succeed and other days..umm not so successful surreal
What a week.

Tuesday: Sick Of It All/Dropkick Murphys at the Tivoli... SOIA were amazing (no surprise there) and the Dropkicks almost put me to sleep. Really disappointing, considering Do Or Die was one of my favourite records back in my punk days.
Thursday: Ampere, The Russian Club, Wooloongabba... The Fourth Is To Burn Warehouses (ex-members of Orlacs Hnde) are amazing, but I must admit...
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Points to you for toughing it out. Ampere? Enlighten me, please.

My want to do music is at an all time low. The fucking passion tank is empty at the moment. It is, how they say, 'the sucks'.
Lol ,glad you are feeling better, all good though, all I can say is 'thank fuck for Stilnox'...

Assumption is poison. Assumption is cancer.

I can't fucking believe how seriously some people take things. It makes me belly-laugh thinking of all the things that certain people allow to get a stick up their asses about. It reminds me of high school, only now that these people aren't forced to see each other every day they instead group themselves together out of what...
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Sweet blog. You're impressively eloquent when you drink. I'm all thumbs when I touch the drip.
From an early age I've had what I'd consider to be a finely-tuned bullshit detector. You know, it's the kind of thing that goes off in your head like the most grating alarm clock when you see or hear something that flies in the face of all things decent and/or based in reality. But now I find myself wanting more. In the last week I've...
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Chiptunes are pretty cool. I have an old original Gameboy. I've been meaning to pick up a copy of LSDJ, but I'm good at not following through on things.

The whole bullshit detector thing used to really freak me out and get me worked up.
I am the horizon. I have dreamed of tracing rings around this world.
Anyone wanna translate that into Latin for me? Pretty please?

My new computer is up and running and I couldn't be happier.

I often find myself admiring the creations of man more than the natural settings that they threaten to destroy. As impressive and important as the natural world is, our creations...
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I'm working on it!
I think this might be one of those "make more, spend more" situations. . . mmm. . . new toys. . .

I love cool/rare/awesome records. I'd love to see what you have.

I almost bought an old Bolt-Thrower demo a couple weeks ago, but I only had twenty real dollars on me, and the place didn't take debit/credit. Weak. frown
hahahaha omg! well you get to see me naked now... lol. ive never seen anyone on here that ive known in 'real' life beforehand. only met people from here. so your my first. its kind of exciting in a strange way.

ive been good, just working and partying on weekends! was a coincidence seeing you at ceions party.
what have you been up to? where abouts are you living/working at the moment?
I just prepped myself for my hectic day of by having the most awesome breakfast ever - eggs, toast, sausages, strawberry yogurt and a cup of tea. I am so full of yum I fear I may just explode, but I'll do my best to keep from doing so.

I got a new computer yesterday! Tomorrow I'll actually have time to set it up and...
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I'm so jealous of you right now... I want to be full of yum too!!!

Plans for the weekend?

I got my guitar back from the shop yesterday, and as I sit here playing it I ask myself, "Is there anything better than a freshly-polished Les Paul with brand new saddles, perfect intonation and a new set of strings?" I really can't think of many things that win over that.

In other news, possibly going to a gig tonight, but part of me wants...
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Nawww I missed you too... I just uploaded a heap of pics onto my facebook you can stalk though!!!


What are you up to this weekend? I start work next week so perhaps we need celebrations!!!

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I ask myself, "Is there anything better than a freshly-polished Les Paul with brand new saddles, perfect intonation and a new set of strings?"

No... there isnt... and I hate you so hard in the best possible way



I'm digging that mix you uploaded. Minus the Bear remind me of Dilute. You should check them out if you don't know them. I'd highly recommend the live split they did with Hella (who are also a wicked band).
Yet another epic weekend is in the making.

Last Night: Seeing My Disco and drinking with friends whilst talking about politics, bands, and how fucking awesome that lightning storm was. If you didn't see that last night, you missed out.
Tonight: Seeing Against Me! at the Arena, hopefully seeing an old friend for the first time in months, maybe drinking afterwards if I can rationalise...
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Dude it was awesome meeting you tonight! Always awesome meeting a fellow metalhead and nerd on SG and even better when they live in Brisbane!

another birthday????
happy birthday biggrin
belated i guess biggrin
"Go on, get out of here...
...I never asked to be nobody's nothing."

My long weekend was amazing. Off Minor two nights in a row in dingy, small venues, then Insurgents, and then topping it all off with In Sepia/Let's Not (But Say We Did) - four gigs in a row, surrounded by good company and not that much booze, which means I still have...
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OK rematch is on... I will let you know what night Kye and I are going out and hit you up for Galaga fo schiz!

And try the video again... I had it on private *lols at self*

Hows your week going so far?

It's been so long since I've stood on my two feet
But I'd really rather lay here and pretend."

Since when is Tuesday a night to go out and drink, play pool, get high, jackass across Milton and stumble into a live jam band performance playing lead guitar? Since last week, I suppose. Helpful Hint: When you're really drunk and playing guitar in front of...
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If something is lame, it can be described as being "not very metal."

That has just entered the lexicon, sir.

Brisbane visit is a maybe on account of starting on this Wolverine job on Monday and being unsure as to when my contract will be terminated. They better be quick if they cut me loose, though. Tickets are on sale Monday. Anyway, I'll let you know what up.

Sounds like a great night out, capitan. I love those spontaneous drink-a-thons that turn into night of the year type deals. In all your semen soaked trenchcoat self help classes do they have a unit that says "move to Sydney"? I'd fucking hope so.

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If not, moving to Melbourne is also acceptable.