In the past 8+ months I've grown too cynical towards music to trust any possible collaborator's word, but sometime soon I could be having a jam with a band my friend is putting together - looking forward to it.
Life is great. I had my first piece of assessment due last week and I did a really good job on it; an 800-word news feature that required research and had to include a quote from an interviewee, all done within three hours of the topic being posted. It was stressful and I went into it thinking it'd be impossible, but having done it makes me think I've grown up to the point where my expectactions of myself need a bit of updating.
I'm making progress with LSDJ as well. I'm familiarising myself with it first and foremost as a songwriting tool, not a easily-aquired skill considering I have no theory knowledge and can't even read music. I keep thinking back to a fretboard and working off that, but in time and with some sight-reading study etc. it should come naturally. Speaking of fretboards, I have my JCM900 going through my old AVT275, essentially using it as a 2X12 cab and it sounds fucking amazing.
I'm doing a shit-ton of things for the mag this month: somewhere in the neighbourhood of ten CD reviews, two e-mail interviews, and a questionnare because I've been with the mag for fifty issues now (half its life). I showed my mom the picture they're gonna be printing alongside it this weekend and she was almost angry at me - granted the picture is of me with a look like I've been kicked in the sack, but come on, laugh a little! I'm sure my friends will when the issue comes out.
Back in Brisbane, sweet hangs plz.
Life is great. I had my first piece of assessment due last week and I did a really good job on it; an 800-word news feature that required research and had to include a quote from an interviewee, all done within three hours of the topic being posted. It was stressful and I went into it thinking it'd be impossible, but having done it makes me think I've grown up to the point where my expectactions of myself need a bit of updating.
I'm making progress with LSDJ as well. I'm familiarising myself with it first and foremost as a songwriting tool, not a easily-aquired skill considering I have no theory knowledge and can't even read music. I keep thinking back to a fretboard and working off that, but in time and with some sight-reading study etc. it should come naturally. Speaking of fretboards, I have my JCM900 going through my old AVT275, essentially using it as a 2X12 cab and it sounds fucking amazing.
I'm doing a shit-ton of things for the mag this month: somewhere in the neighbourhood of ten CD reviews, two e-mail interviews, and a questionnare because I've been with the mag for fifty issues now (half its life). I showed my mom the picture they're gonna be printing alongside it this weekend and she was almost angry at me - granted the picture is of me with a look like I've been kicked in the sack, but come on, laugh a little! I'm sure my friends will when the issue comes out.
Back in Brisbane, sweet hangs plz.
Hey what is this Mag your doing ?