I just prepped myself for my hectic day of by having the most awesome breakfast ever - eggs, toast, sausages, strawberry yogurt and a cup of tea. I am so full of yum I fear I may just explode, but I'll do my best to keep from doing so.
I got a new computer yesterday! Tomorrow I'll actually have time to set it up and install the OS, and I'm really looking forward to gutting the good stuff out of this piece of shit and tossing the rest, or offloading it on someone dumb enough to want it.
Alright, I need to get ready. Bai!
I got a new computer yesterday! Tomorrow I'll actually have time to set it up and install the OS, and I'm really looking forward to gutting the good stuff out of this piece of shit and tossing the rest, or offloading it on someone dumb enough to want it.

Alright, I need to get ready. Bai!
Plans for the weekend?