I'm pretty positive most of the people who have known me for years would still be worried about me kidnapping them in a panel van, let alone a relative stranger who I know through the internet. Maybe I'll say hi the next time I see her during day light hours.
You'd better whore out those demos once they're up and happening. You got a myspace for all this fresh mayhem?
As for my stuff I'm still keen to get something together along the lines of Dillinger but am not taking any steps to do so until I have my liscence which hopefully should be before the end of the year. Another problem that raises it's head is the fact I know absolutely zero guitarists who are into this style of music and a lot of randoms I've met just lack ass at it. I'm thinking I need to hijack a jazz guitarist and make him listen to Miss Machine a thousand times in a row A Clockwork Orange style -- having his ears ripped open by hooks and shoving a speaker in there. Seriously though it's going okay, there aren't many double kick runs cause I'm still not great at them but all the shit I'm coming up with is fucking fast and complex, sometimes like a break beat thing that will switch to a weird latin tinged pattern at any moment. Hopefully there will be something to reveal to the world soon...
You'd better whore out those demos once they're up and happening. You got a myspace for all this fresh mayhem?
As for my stuff I'm still keen to get something together along the lines of Dillinger but am not taking any steps to do so until I have my liscence which hopefully should be before the end of the year. Another problem that raises it's head is the fact I know absolutely zero guitarists who are into this style of music and a lot of randoms I've met just lack ass at it. I'm thinking I need to hijack a jazz guitarist and make him listen to Miss Machine a thousand times in a row A Clockwork Orange style -- having his ears ripped open by hooks and shoving a speaker in there. Seriously though it's going okay, there aren't many double kick runs cause I'm still not great at them but all the shit I'm coming up with is fucking fast and complex, sometimes like a break beat thing that will switch to a weird latin tinged pattern at any moment. Hopefully there will be something to reveal to the world soon...