My house is cursed, I swear. From the rental horror stories that came with my first six months of living here, to the near-complete destruction of the house's social atmosphere at the hands of one of our current tenants, I just know there's some pissed-off ghosts inhabiting this old house, trying their best to make us leave and take our loud musical instruments with us.
Now, there's a new problem - the two tenants that gave us the oh-so-courteous two weeks notice of moving out before our lease expired are now refusing to leave. They're both hell-bent on staying until they've found a place (a process that's been three weeks and counting and has produced a mere two tenancy applications) regardless of how much this inconveniences the new tenants. We originally told them they could stay for two weeks past when the lease expires, which was agreed on and is still what's happening in my eyes, but now they've decided to take their inch and go a mile instead, like they always have. One of them even refuses to park his car on the street so that the garage can be used to store stuff that our new tenants are dropping off, seeing as their belongings are still taking up much of the room in the house.
I have decided that in order to make these arrogant fucks leave in a more timely fashion, I will exploit their musical close-mindedness and barrage them with nothing but lo-fi emo-violence and posi hardcore as soon as they enter the house. Oh, and I'm calling our property manager to alert her to what's going on so that she can tell them to pack their stuff, organise somewhere to live and go fuck themselves.
So lame.
Now, there's a new problem - the two tenants that gave us the oh-so-courteous two weeks notice of moving out before our lease expired are now refusing to leave. They're both hell-bent on staying until they've found a place (a process that's been three weeks and counting and has produced a mere two tenancy applications) regardless of how much this inconveniences the new tenants. We originally told them they could stay for two weeks past when the lease expires, which was agreed on and is still what's happening in my eyes, but now they've decided to take their inch and go a mile instead, like they always have. One of them even refuses to park his car on the street so that the garage can be used to store stuff that our new tenants are dropping off, seeing as their belongings are still taking up much of the room in the house.
I have decided that in order to make these arrogant fucks leave in a more timely fashion, I will exploit their musical close-mindedness and barrage them with nothing but lo-fi emo-violence and posi hardcore as soon as they enter the house. Oh, and I'm calling our property manager to alert her to what's going on so that she can tell them to pack their stuff, organise somewhere to live and go fuck themselves.
So lame.

One of them even refuses to park his car on the street so that the garage can be used to store stuff that our new tenants are dropping off, seeing as their belongings are still taking up much of the room in the house.
You haven't punched this guy square in the fucking face yet?
Patience of a saint, sir.
Deftones fucking rocked asses yesterday