Well well well... once again I fail to update in a timely fashion.
Also, before I go on, that's the first time I've used the mokey emoticon. So utterly useless, but rad nonetheless. Moving on... what's been happening?
Well, I'll start with the big one - two of my housemates are moving out when our lease expires on the 22nd of this month. The problem is, they decided to inform the other remaining housemate and I of this today. We don't have much time to find two new people and replace all the things that'll be leaving the house when the other two leave (almost everything - all downstairs furniture, both TVs, coffee table, washer and dryer...). IMO it was a pretty shitty thing to wait to enlighten us of their plans to ditch us and the house this late, however, in one day we've found one of our new tenants, and secured even more furniture than we have downstairs at the moment! Everything should be fine if the whole process continues to run this smoothly. And if anyone is looking for a room in the Auchenflower/Toowong area of Brissie, give me a holler.
Currently I'm poor - really, really fucking poor. In the last three weeks I've worked six and a half hours total, due to The Reject Shop cutting costs. For the life of me, I have no idea why they'd have to do this - Christmas was massive, we sold out of all of our trees and lots of our other stuff, and now that people are starting to realise the store exists and are buying tons of cheap shit (especially during lunch hour) we're raking in cash. Still, everyone's being given three to three-and-a-half hours every other week. Lame. Job-hurt has once again commenced and as soon as I'm guaranteed a job that gives me more than the equivalent of one-and-a-half hours a week I'm gone from that shitty place.
Playing in Mischief is insanely fun. We've got seven originals and a cover, which will be recorded as our demo after a few more rehearsals. I'll be recording everything myself, straight to computer using Audition and the end result is going to be a dirty, grindy mess. It's going to be amazing - I've been looking forward to recording/engineering a full project, as opposed to a song here and there, like I usually do. Shows will be coming soon as well, so keep an eye open.
Speaking of recording, I enrolled in all my uni courses for the next two semesters, and my elective for second semester is sound recording!
Should be tons of fun and informative...
I'll close this entry by saying this to blakemitchell: No, I'm not going to Isis. Feel free to gloat and tell me each and every glorious detail as I break down and cry like a little girl whose just lost the wicker basket off the front of her ten-speed.

Also, before I go on, that's the first time I've used the mokey emoticon. So utterly useless, but rad nonetheless. Moving on... what's been happening?
Well, I'll start with the big one - two of my housemates are moving out when our lease expires on the 22nd of this month. The problem is, they decided to inform the other remaining housemate and I of this today. We don't have much time to find two new people and replace all the things that'll be leaving the house when the other two leave (almost everything - all downstairs furniture, both TVs, coffee table, washer and dryer...). IMO it was a pretty shitty thing to wait to enlighten us of their plans to ditch us and the house this late, however, in one day we've found one of our new tenants, and secured even more furniture than we have downstairs at the moment! Everything should be fine if the whole process continues to run this smoothly. And if anyone is looking for a room in the Auchenflower/Toowong area of Brissie, give me a holler.
Currently I'm poor - really, really fucking poor. In the last three weeks I've worked six and a half hours total, due to The Reject Shop cutting costs. For the life of me, I have no idea why they'd have to do this - Christmas was massive, we sold out of all of our trees and lots of our other stuff, and now that people are starting to realise the store exists and are buying tons of cheap shit (especially during lunch hour) we're raking in cash. Still, everyone's being given three to three-and-a-half hours every other week. Lame. Job-hurt has once again commenced and as soon as I'm guaranteed a job that gives me more than the equivalent of one-and-a-half hours a week I'm gone from that shitty place.
Playing in Mischief is insanely fun. We've got seven originals and a cover, which will be recorded as our demo after a few more rehearsals. I'll be recording everything myself, straight to computer using Audition and the end result is going to be a dirty, grindy mess. It's going to be amazing - I've been looking forward to recording/engineering a full project, as opposed to a song here and there, like I usually do. Shows will be coming soon as well, so keep an eye open.

Speaking of recording, I enrolled in all my uni courses for the next two semesters, and my elective for second semester is sound recording!

I'll close this entry by saying this to blakemitchell: No, I'm not going to Isis. Feel free to gloat and tell me each and every glorious detail as I break down and cry like a little girl whose just lost the wicker basket off the front of her ten-speed.

hello "mr flesh eating disease", i once knew somone who changed his last name to necrosis, anyway thats pretty random, but i thought you ought to know darling. btw cute guitar
do not neglect such beautiful things as guitars