Back to school, back to school...
I've been accepted to QUT to study Creative Writing! 'Bout time I had a reason to wake up every day - or more days than my shitty casual jobs require.
I cleaned my room today in preparation - I want it to look like a place that can support constructive thought and study, which it definitely wasn't earlier. My desk in particular looks very ready for business.
In a few short weeks it'll be nose to the grindstone and time to get back into it. Don't wish me luck, because luck is bullshit and I don't want any illusions that I'm not 100% responsible for how I do - I made that mistake last time. But soon, that won't matter.

Also, long time no speak, SG Peeps - how are you all?
I'm awesome
So I join you in the academica ranks. Go College!
What the fuck has your ass been up to?
Lots of cool shit happening here, so many awsome gigs coming up.
ISIS, anyone?