Well, my house is officially the Constance house now. Leo moved his stuff in a little under a week ago, and James finally finishing moving stuff in yesterday. As awesome as this is, there is a problem - our old housemates are still living here. They've vacated their rooms, allowing the others to move in, but they're both sleeping in our living room. Not only that, one of them has taken to sleeping on James' expensive couch, which he's not too happy about. As for the other one, he's sleeping on his bed frame, which is positioned on the floor behind said couch. To sweeten this deal even further he's even set up his computer desk in the corner of the fucking living room. Even furthermore, he disappeared two days ago without telling any of us where he was or how long he'd be gone, so right now we have tons of shit in the house and in the garage with nobody to move it out.
As much as I consider these two people my friends, they were a nightmare living with back when they had rooms to go to and keep most of their mess in. Now, when they and their stuff are simply in the way and taking up space in what should be a four-person house (not to mention that their mess, which they never clean up, is still all over the place due to them living like animals), it's nothing short of a disaster. They need to find a place and get the fuck out.
Also, it's finally out. Snakes on a Muthafuckin' Plane - possibly the worst thing masquerading as a movie I have ever seen. Of course, this made it absolutely hilarious and definitely worth seeing. The horrible script, terrible plot, and overall terribleness come together to make this swirling maelstrom of dumb - and it's awesome. If only I'd been able to see it with my fellow SGAUers...
EDIT: I just discovered the best picture in the history of ever.

As much as I consider these two people my friends, they were a nightmare living with back when they had rooms to go to and keep most of their mess in. Now, when they and their stuff are simply in the way and taking up space in what should be a four-person house (not to mention that their mess, which they never clean up, is still all over the place due to them living like animals), it's nothing short of a disaster. They need to find a place and get the fuck out.
Also, it's finally out. Snakes on a Muthafuckin' Plane - possibly the worst thing masquerading as a movie I have ever seen. Of course, this made it absolutely hilarious and definitely worth seeing. The horrible script, terrible plot, and overall terribleness come together to make this swirling maelstrom of dumb - and it's awesome. If only I'd been able to see it with my fellow SGAUers...

EDIT: I just discovered the best picture in the history of ever.
EDIT #2: My former housemates finally found a place - they're gonna start moving out tomorrow, or so they say. To them: you now have a place to go, so GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!
And don't even get me started on the $15,000 that my boyfriend owes them!!!
Well punned, sir!
You attending the GC BBQ? There is a secret plot thickening and formulating and caramelizing like so many onions in a pan right now, so I may, as if by magick, appear, ready for battle and strip poker on November 5
Something you might dig; Green Milk from the Planet Orange