Hold this sacred, like final words and dying breaths
Keep this by your side, like last wishes and reverance
For it is this moment which we have waited our whole lives
The wait is done, we're here as one, all's left is to close our eyes.
It is then we'll know freedom like which we've only dreamed
Forsake our vessels as they are torn at the seams
No limitations, no walls keeping us confined
Just spirits free to grace the clouds and fly.
I'm drunk and inspired. I'll read this later to see if it makes any sense.
Keep this by your side, like last wishes and reverance
For it is this moment which we have waited our whole lives
The wait is done, we're here as one, all's left is to close our eyes.
It is then we'll know freedom like which we've only dreamed
Forsake our vessels as they are torn at the seams
No limitations, no walls keeping us confined
Just spirits free to grace the clouds and fly.
I'm drunk and inspired. I'll read this later to see if it makes any sense.
They played a song from every album except morningrise, only played 3 off the new album, AND we were treated to a drum solo and a cover song.
I was so surprised.
They played a pretty long set incuding Under the Weeping Moon, The Amen Corner, and White Cluster. It was fucking brilliant as always.