I've decided that I'm deferring from university this semester and living in Brisbane. Now, if only my future roommate would answer his fucking phone so I can give him the good news...
He's thrilled. And so is she
Six (or more) best months of my life, here I come...
Oh, and here's what I have so far for the Tom Gabel interview, complete with intro. I'll probably add one or two more questions later on.
Punks not dead; not if Tom Gabel can help it. Gabel started Against Me! while still a teenager as a solo performer playing guitar and singing, and expanded the project into a full band soon after with great results. Now, after releasing an album that was a heavy contender for best punk release of 2005, Searching for a Former Clarity, him and his merry men are making a trip to our shores to deliver the punk gospel from Australian stages. Before this, however, he was nice enough to talk to us about the voodoo curse Axl Rose put on the band for using his name and likeness on an album cover, the current state of the punk genre, Dubya, and chicks with mohawks.
Hows that Axl Rose voodoo curse been treating you and the band lately?
On this new album, you write a bit about punk rock and how it was pushing into the mainstream meanwhile it was better in the basement, to quote you. Now that hardcore, metalcore, and everything else ending in -core or pretending to seems to be in the spotlight, do you think that punk is in for an underground revival?
Against Me! recently signed to Sire Records. What was the motivation behind that?
Against Me! contributed a song to the first Rock Against Bush compilation how do you feel about your inclusion on that after the election?
Speaking of Bush, youre quite vocal about your dislike for him and his administration on this record. Been hearing any strange clicking noises over your phone since that album came out?
Condoleeza Rice gets a generous and well-deserved skewering in your lyrics as well. Whats your take on her shoe shopping in New York City as people waited for assistance in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina?
This might be old news, but being a politically aware Floridian during the debacle that was the 2000 presidential election mustve been interesting, at the very least. What was it like living through that?
And finally, to end on a high note would you do a chick with a mohawk?
He's thrilled. And so is she

Six (or more) best months of my life, here I come...
Oh, and here's what I have so far for the Tom Gabel interview, complete with intro. I'll probably add one or two more questions later on.
Punks not dead; not if Tom Gabel can help it. Gabel started Against Me! while still a teenager as a solo performer playing guitar and singing, and expanded the project into a full band soon after with great results. Now, after releasing an album that was a heavy contender for best punk release of 2005, Searching for a Former Clarity, him and his merry men are making a trip to our shores to deliver the punk gospel from Australian stages. Before this, however, he was nice enough to talk to us about the voodoo curse Axl Rose put on the band for using his name and likeness on an album cover, the current state of the punk genre, Dubya, and chicks with mohawks.
Hows that Axl Rose voodoo curse been treating you and the band lately?
On this new album, you write a bit about punk rock and how it was pushing into the mainstream meanwhile it was better in the basement, to quote you. Now that hardcore, metalcore, and everything else ending in -core or pretending to seems to be in the spotlight, do you think that punk is in for an underground revival?
Against Me! recently signed to Sire Records. What was the motivation behind that?
Against Me! contributed a song to the first Rock Against Bush compilation how do you feel about your inclusion on that after the election?
Speaking of Bush, youre quite vocal about your dislike for him and his administration on this record. Been hearing any strange clicking noises over your phone since that album came out?
Condoleeza Rice gets a generous and well-deserved skewering in your lyrics as well. Whats your take on her shoe shopping in New York City as people waited for assistance in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina?
This might be old news, but being a politically aware Floridian during the debacle that was the 2000 presidential election mustve been interesting, at the very least. What was it like living through that?
And finally, to end on a high note would you do a chick with a mohawk?
awww I will give you internet hugs *hugs*