I bought myself a present today - a new car stereo. I decided to go with this Sony model. All I can say is "Wow!" This thing sounds great. I decided to try it out first with the song "Progenies of the Great Apocalypse" by Dimmu Borgir (a very epic song). Needless to say, I was very pleased.
This actually leads me to a question for y'all. What is your preferred music format these days? I'm kinda old school in the fact that I like to own the actual compact disc itself because I like to experience it as a whole (music, artwork, lyrics, etc.). I know so much of society is going towards downloading music onto an ipod or non-Apple MP3 player. I do find these (and all of the associated accessories) to be quite fascinating, but I just haven't felt the need to buy one just yet.

This actually leads me to a question for y'all. What is your preferred music format these days? I'm kinda old school in the fact that I like to own the actual compact disc itself because I like to experience it as a whole (music, artwork, lyrics, etc.). I know so much of society is going towards downloading music onto an ipod or non-Apple MP3 player. I do find these (and all of the associated accessories) to be quite fascinating, but I just haven't felt the need to buy one just yet.
I don't have an iPod, I know I am like one of the last 5 people on earth who don't have one... I dig plain 'ol CDs
I love iPods, but if there were some way that I could rig up a portable record player in my van, I'd be more than happy with that.