I'm so thankful for all of the support that I've gotten from my friends here. All of you are...words can't describe it really. All of you are absolutetly incredbile!!! There...that was my weak attempt.
Things went very well this weekend. I got so much accomplished. My family was amazed at my progress before they even showed up to help (I requested time alone).
I was on a mission.
I needed to do part of it alone.
But then I realized that I needed them too.
And that made a huge difference.
I've learned so many lessons from my Mom's death.
One is that it's Okay to ask for help sometimes.
My percepetion about a lot of things has changed...hopefully for the better.
Things went very well this weekend. I got so much accomplished. My family was amazed at my progress before they even showed up to help (I requested time alone).
I was on a mission.
I needed to do part of it alone.
But then I realized that I needed them too.
And that made a huge difference.
I've learned so many lessons from my Mom's death.
One is that it's Okay to ask for help sometimes.
My percepetion about a lot of things has changed...hopefully for the better.
Ask for help is definitly good.
I didn't say much in my journal when I finally decided to say something...It doesn't matter how strong people see you as, because they really never know what to say....Not out of stupidity, out of reality that Death is just too close to think about sometimes...You listen to the wishes of empathy, and better still, people who lost THIER mother a year ago...I don't know how...But I'll admit...It helped me have a way to get some really wonderful energies from the right people.
Sometimes....you would be surprised what a good bolt of the right beam can do.
(I got more commin your way...)
Ka (Egyptian for 'Hope the shell is good, and the inside is even better!', basically