It's been months since I've been on here...did I miss anything?
I'm getting married! Been planning since January. I'm just ready for it to get here already.
I don't feel like writing anymore. I'm fuckin bored.
I don't feel like writing anymore. I'm fuckin bored.
I think I had a bipolar moment today. I'm glad I don't feel like that anymore.
this was happening to me at the EXACT same time.
sometimes loving hermitcrabs make you feel bipolar.
sometimes loving hermitcrabs make you feel bipolar.
whatever..........I use to be so positive.......... I want it back.
hey, maybe we can pool our resources. ive been designing the calendar that 95 rock does each year, but each year it gets cheesier and cheesier. I want to make my own, but a. im not a good photographer, and b. the biggest thing holding me back is i dont have a good way to distribute the calendar. the station has infinite ability to advertise theirs and they have been selling them at rock jam (not this year) and the pork and hops festival. would you have any interest in doing something like that, say for a 2011 calendar?
thanks for the compliements on the house too!
Fuck...I need chapstick. I'm out.

I know how it is....I live in the middle of the desert and still got a boat anyway. lol
I need chapstick AGAIN....the boy keeps stealing it.
I need chapstick AGAIN....the boy keeps stealing it.
You know what they say... If it flies, floats or fucks... rent don't buy... and I totally feel for ya. My girlfriend just absconded with my chapstick. You can't trust no one these days!
I wonder how many people read my blog?
SO I have some good news. If you read my last blog you would know that I did a set for BrittanSuicide. They are up in Member Review right this minute. Please go check the set out and show some love. We both worked very hard on this set and had a great time doing it....
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SO I have some good news. If you read my last blog you would know that I did a set for BrittanSuicide. They are up in Member Review right this minute. Please go check the set out and show some love. We both worked very hard on this set and had a great time doing it....
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yes, just like I can comment on my own pictures on myspace!
I read your blog
. The set was very well done but I don't think its quite up to SG's standards. Either way hopefully I'm wrong! Keep up the good work!

This week has been great! Monday started off with a wonderful shoot with Brittan In no way will I spoil the awesomness that has yet to come. Almost done with the editing...just have to cover all the SG requirements with sizing and logo and whatnot. SUPER excited. Then today I just so happen to have another shoot with Brittan. give it a few day's and...
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Wow. Let me know if you ever come up to Northern Colorado!
I read this today and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside- you are awesome and i love how we connect!
the set goes into MR tonight! squeeeeeee.
the set goes into MR tonight! squeeeeeee.
wow-long time no write. That's how is goes, usually. I don't have time to write about everything I do on here. Even if I did have the time..I don't want everyone knowing my personal business. Or maybe I do. no.
So My ex-girlfriend gave me a journal tonight. Maybe I should be writing in it instead of typing all this. Nah. It's easier to do...
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So My ex-girlfriend gave me a journal tonight. Maybe I should be writing in it instead of typing all this. Nah. It's easier to do...
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I'm a political science major (seriously where is the science?) Basically every class I have has me reading like 3 chapters a week out of 2 books per class. I've never read so much in my life. And they're all boring and dry books. Also the writing assignments are nuts three 20 page essays and textual analysis. If I wasn't so close to graduating I'd change majors heh.
Stupid blank post! Was trying to say that i hope you are ok.

I'm fucking tired and hot. My belly is full of chicken and I couldn't be happier. Gonna watch knocked up.....for the 3rd time. Nighty night!

Oh yeah I've heard good things about Kleen Sting, my tattoo artist recommends them if he can't get someone in on time. There's no doubt they do good work, I gonna have to see what they'd charge to do my other arm.
Thank you for your comment on my hopeful...let me just say your are sooo beautiful.
I watched knocked up last week and I laughed sooo hard.
I watched knocked up last week and I laughed sooo hard.
WHERE does the time go? It's already almost march. I can't believe it. Time fly's these days. I'm actually REALLY happy these days. I'm doing what I love(photography) I am with someone that cares ever so deeply for me. I have wonderful close friends. My family is healthy and still alive...I'm healthy...well, now I am. I was sick the last couple days. I seriously couldn't...
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Someone needed to post here...
My life has been going to hell fast, but not bad just hectic. Friends are having babies, girfriends are breaking up, finals are in a couple days. And I've just stopped caring about classes and more focused on how nice it is outside!
My life has been going to hell fast, but not bad just hectic. Friends are having babies, girfriends are breaking up, finals are in a couple days. And I've just stopped caring about classes and more focused on how nice it is outside!

So it's been to long since I updated all of you. New years was a blast. went to vegas with my boyfriend and some friends. It was out of control but that's how I like it. Was drunk about 90% of the time. Got to see a lot of cool things. Went to some clubs..played a ton of roulette...blah blah blah. That's all about that...
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It's one of my favorites aswell!! I'm not sure why I wrote that I would write more tomorrow. I'm a retard. I did take a few pictures while we were there. If you wanna check them out the are at flickr...check my websites I added on'll see it.
heey Girlie! get posting!

Well, Today is Xmas eve. I still have to go to walmart and get a couple more things before tonight. I'm not looking forward to it. I did get to open a present last night though. Ashley, My best friend got me a huge ass jewelery box that stands like 3 feet off the groung. I love it. Now I can fit all my fun...
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Hello fellow Grand Junctionite, thanks for the friend request I added you. Hope you had a good Christmas and an even better New Years.
P.S. How crazy could you be?
P.S. How crazy could you be?