wearing my overalls today and i feel like a kid. eating pbjs and drinking caprisun. watch cartoons, and paint my toenails. listening to cheech play records in the other room. i luv techno spinning like soda pop in you're head.
been working and going to school alot lately, i feel like i never get a day off. however today has been a beautiful, rare, lazy day spent laying in bed, visiting my georgous mother, shes a bit of a gypsy woman (wearing long skirts and with her beautiful long red hair blowing in the wind) people say we're identical , and smoking outta my new...
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i miss lay-ins...and lazy days...
smile nice pics love love
i dyed my hair, it is now black on the bottom, and back to my natural color(strawberry blonde) on toip. i quite like it.
I noticed your posting on the Vegge list about Kombucha I and a buddy might start a group on myspace dealing with said one cell afterbirth bev....Heey Im all for it...I have 4 gallons brewing at all times in my kitchen cabinet
sounds pretty!!!!
Im going to SF! WOOHOO!
my bf is spinning at this rave called "ChocoMilk" everyone is invited! go to bayraves.com for more info.
it's gunna be so fun i can hardly wait!
i's march, meaning summer is almost here! i can't wait for warm nights and lazy days, spent burnt on my couch, and dancing in the streets. drinking rum, and lots of stouts! sure, i still gotta work, but hell, i after working and going to school full time, work is gunna be easy!
on another note, i've been real sick lately, and lost a lotta
so i've started school now, and start my new job on sunday. working at xxxxxx, its this really cool xxxxxxxxxx store run by hippies.i think ill love it. and the pay is good too.
its kinda funny though. like all cheech wants to do is throw raves and shit, but im just kinda getting sick of it, i mean i kinda just wanna focus on...
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Are you working at hippies?
don't knock the tupperware parties. lol. you don't know what you're missing.
going to SF this weekend, by BF is playin a rave out in the bay, im so excited!
i love hanging out in SF and eating clam chowder bowls, smoking pot in the park, drinking beer, and carrying my drunkin BF to the hotel room, then going to the record stores, in burkly too, what fun!
YAWN.....i never know quite what to write in these things. So lets start with the highlights, i suppose,
Yesterday some sleezy guy was hitting on me to which i responded "Damn.....do i have to shit or what, i think i may have just sharted!" this quickly got rid of the pest, as well as made me laugh, damn i am way too easily amused. i...
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i think that guy is still crying smile
took some thiz on a thursday night outta sure bordom......i let u know how it turns out.
i once fried while trying to land a 747 on HWY101 between the city and san jose..
but hey, thats me..
i am a professional..
"bullocks" can be positive or negative depending on the surronding content. thats what i waws told ne way, im no expert.
Thanks for letting me become a member of "girls only" im excited! hopefully this is a good time to tell you im a tranny, just kidding, im really not.
but ne way, life's going good, start work at the theature on monday, im gunna...
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