There is a lingerie place near my work that specialises in plus size stuff..what's in the window looks darned sexyyy. I will check it out thoroughly and get back to you
Hey there hon,thank you so very much for the birthday wishes,it was actally a quiet day because of work- but i didnt mind,im not big on birthdays much (especially as i get older) i treated myself to good breakfast and feell asleep watching a dvd..see very civilised
Wow i love the look of some of that lingerie,its such shame that it costs so much tho , i like the black tutu one at the top and the black/pink skulls & suspenders one..very nice
That pic of you is cute x
sorry i couldn't make it i was so feeling bad i didn't come. but i could hardly move more like i just couldn't be bothered. sorry but awesome that you had a good day. i'm fine i have gotten over Jamie we're not together i suck at everything. well i'm good aywhos babe. xoxo laters
oh my god look at that cake...i never get fancy cakes like that they are always crooked sheet cakes with like to many candles...
i need to dye my hair too I hate when it gets that weird color.
I love that look so cute in it.
I am looking through all you fan fantastic.
I've been feeling like crap the past few days. It's been horrid. It seems like i've taken 10 steps backwards, and I'm in a big depression pit. I was so bad yesterday, I just wanted it all to end. I haven't self injured though, so I'm really proud of that. Adam's been trying, even though he's sick. He took me out shopping today to keep... Read More
My chest is still killing me, but I'll survive. I had a blood test yesterday to see if I have diabeties. I'm really hoping I don't, but my blood sugar levels have been ridiculous.
Below the spoiler is possable TMI information about the doctors visit on Tuesday.
Aww im sure once you get properly settled in Adelaide you will be fine,your home sickness will just fade away.
Yeah im looking forwward to getting some color in my platy,i have been meaning to get it donw for ages but didnt have the money or time, but thankfully that is all sorted now..weeeeeee
Hmm you should go on a balloon ride in the barossa valley and stay in a swish b&b and indulge yourselves
I hate being sick. I know most people don't find it pleasent, but I'm just over it.
Yesterday I got taken to the doctors, and I have CostoChondritis, which is the inflammation of the cartlidge in the ribs. It hurts like a bitch, and the doctor said people often get rushed to hospital thinking its a heart attack with it. PLUS there is nothing they... Read More
Good god how did you get an inflamation of the rib cartliage ,its the (somewhat)cleaner air in Adelaide i reckon,your body is missing so good old pollution
I've been trying not to let the internet take over my life again. It hasn't really worked. I'm still addicted. Also having a website that needs to be updated daily means I'm still a net junkie.
I applied for an awesome job on Monday, unfortunatly, I don't think I've got it. Boo.
All my stuff arrived from Sydney, so it's official, I live in Adelaide... Read More
It's fair enough to prepare yourself for possible disappointments, but hey...don't give up entirely. I'll send some psychic transmissions to the gods of employment for you
awwwww, how cute....makes me miss my iccle hammy. I had a house like that, and he also stayed in the top bit, too scared to go down the tubes! I had to drop food into the tubes for him to go anywhere else.
Wow i love the look of some of that lingerie,its such shame that it costs so much tho
That pic of you is cute