Um. I want to post something really cute and witty but the only thing that happens when I think back to our conversation is I blush like crazy, and I seriously never blush... hahaha... what are you doing to me???
I have this paranoid fear of one day being a single father, or whatever they call it when the guy doesn't have full custody. I do not want to be a weekend dad, or a holidays dad, or whatever is between the two. I have seen this happen up close, experienced it myself with my parents, and I never... EVER... want to go through it.... Read More
What are you studying?
I always get worked up on adrenaline in the beginning of the semester, determined to kick ass and I do well until about half-way through. Then I get lax and screw up just enough so that I'm making myself sick trying to salvage my grade by the end. It wouldn't be such an issue if I didn't have to compete to get into clinicals.
Now you're the one freaking me out. Get out of my head! If you move to Philly, we are taking dancing lessons together.
I don't know why I didn't think of this before... a far cry from ballroom dancing, but I can actually belly dance a (very) little bit. I learned from my best friend who is Lebanese... she would absolutely kill me for saying I dance like a white girl.
I'm allll about a jam session. It's almost impossible to come up with a concrete answer for the favorite band question... although I usually say Incubus for mine (unless we're talking about their most recent album, but we won't go there). I grew up hearing 80s and a lot of classic rock thanks to my dad. "Welcome to the Jungle" is the first song I can remember hearing besides Disney sing-a-longs, and I probably knew the words to half of The Doors' singles by the time I was in the 2nd grade.
I switched around a lot, too. When I was in high school I applied to art schools. At the time I was working a Pharmacy Tech job that I really enjoyed, so I decided on a whim to apply to pharmacy school. I had no idea if I could get in, but I did, so I went. Ended up hating it so I transferred. Spent a semester as a graphic design major but found myself with the same conflict I considered when I decided not to go to art school in the first place - that I love art but I want to keep it as a hobby. After that I was undecided for a while then eventually ended up pursuing nursing. I knew I didn't want a desk job and wanted a career where I felt like I had a purpose; I want to help people. Plus I've always been intrigued by the medical field.
Hahaha! I literally laughed outloud when I read that because I feel the same way. If it's weird, well, at least we're weird together
I love Aqueous Transmission (the Asian song) - I put it on repeat when I have trouble sleeping. SCIENCE is my favorite album... Anti-Gravity is actually my favorite song from it, along with Idiot Box. It's funny most people I know didn't like ACLOTM, but it comes close to being my favorite album. That was the year I first saw them live and it changed my life.
I made a blog about this not long ago, but in case you missed it this might come as a surprise. Or not. I guess it depends on how much attention you've been paying.
I posted this in the "SlutPride" group tonight (note that the term "slut" was used because of the group):
I was a slut for a year or so when I was... Read More
My sister, we'll call her Fred, is a human resources manager for a rather large company here in Florida. Fred hired a really attractive woman for a manager position, we'll call her... Steve. Steve wears short skirts and strappy heels to work sometimes and when told to dress more professionaly has stated "I like to feminine, it's not innapropriate... Read More
Do girls on South Beach "asked" to be raped by wearing miniskirts? Lame. Beyond that, it's total discrimination on the part of your sister. I almost feel sorry for that girl. Ok, enough bashing your family members, whom I hope you are with for the Holiday.
there has to be more to this story. no chance in hell she got demoted JUST because of some guy's remark. if her clothing didn't fit inside the company's dress code, i can see her needing to be warned, etc... but if they don't have a formal dress code then she was clearly within her rights to wear whatever the hell she wants.
so yeah -- unless your sis wanted to be sued for discrimination, there has to be more to this story...
Adventures in Dating: A Comedy of Completely Mundane Proportions
Act I: Boy sits in Religion in Society class, somewhat bored as he's heard this stuff for years now, but slightly energized by very attractive female across the room. Smiles and slightly too long looks are exchanged.
Act II: Girl moves across the room and sits next to boy out of nowhere, for no apparent reason,... Read More
Allow me to display my nerd qualifications for a moment.
I'm hopelessly addicted to a game, a video game, and one not exactly what you might expect. World of Warcraft? No, I never even tried it. Guild Wars? Halo? Final Fantasy? No, no and not right now...
Fucking Lumines.
It's a simple puzzle game like Tetris, only ten million times better than Tetris to my... Read More
Two people I know rather well have tried to kill themselves this week, no lie. They failed miserably, which in this case is a good thing of course, one of them taking a whole bottle of Tylenol PM which I'm not sure I would consider a lethal substance even in the throes of depression, but they pumped his stomach so I guess it... Read More
Thank you for the beautiful message... I don't have time to reply to it now, but rest assured I will later.