10 things you probably dont know about meand probably don't give a shit about...
1) I hate feet. Its the second nastiest part of the human body. The first one being the butt hole.
2) I can't sleep with my closet doors open.
3) I started masturbating in the like 6th grade. I was a very curious child
4) Ive only had sex with 2 guys, both of which I was in love with.
5) I use to have this recurring nightmare that something I couldnt see was trying to kill me. Id dream that I was laying in bed and all of a sudden Id feel this presence over me and I couldnt move, or scream, or breath. It was the worst feeling. Around the time I kept having this dream my sister also having one that something was trying to hurt me. Crazy, huh? Every once and a while I still have that dream.
6) I grew up poor a family of 6 in a two bedroom apartment kind of poor. My dad has worked every kind of job known to man, 3 jobs at once if he had to, anything to support his family and make sure my mom could stay at home and raise us. They didnt believe in other people (babysitters) raising their kids (I dont either). Now life has turned around for my parents, my dad makes GOOD money, so he gives us the things he couldnt before. Thats why Im able to go to school and not work. Thats why I drive the car that I do. And if you ever call me a spoiled brat Ill punch you in the throat. Because I know what its like to have nothing and i thank God daily for allowing my dad the means to give his children the world because it makes him whole.
7) I met snoop dogg once at a 711 in Pasadena.. and i rapped for him.
"Fallin back on that ass, with a hellafied gangsta lean..gettin funky on the mic like a old batch of collard greens..It's the capital S, oh yes I'm fresh, N double-O P D O double-G Y, D O double-G, ya see...showin much flex when it's time to wreck a mic...pimpin hoes and clockin a grip like my name was Dolomite!!!"
8) If i don't read two books a month i feel very unproductive.
9) I've slept naked since i was 13. I can't sleep in clothes anymore. And if i HAVE too... i can't wear anything more then a t-shirt and panties or else i'll get all tangled up and won't be able to sleep.
10) My first kiss was in the 7th grade during a game of spin the bottle. The bottle landed on Jeff Sellers who, the week prior to this event, I had called a dick in front of our entire math class. We hated eachother so when we kissed he pulled away and announced to the whole fucking party that I had bit the fuck out of his lip and was the worst kisser on earth. I was so embarrassed and self-conscious about it that I missed the next two days of school and didnt kiss another boy till well into high school. I still hate Jeff Sellers. I hope he has an STD.
1) I hate feet. Its the second nastiest part of the human body. The first one being the butt hole.
2) I can't sleep with my closet doors open.
3) I started masturbating in the like 6th grade. I was a very curious child
4) Ive only had sex with 2 guys, both of which I was in love with.
5) I use to have this recurring nightmare that something I couldnt see was trying to kill me. Id dream that I was laying in bed and all of a sudden Id feel this presence over me and I couldnt move, or scream, or breath. It was the worst feeling. Around the time I kept having this dream my sister also having one that something was trying to hurt me. Crazy, huh? Every once and a while I still have that dream.
6) I grew up poor a family of 6 in a two bedroom apartment kind of poor. My dad has worked every kind of job known to man, 3 jobs at once if he had to, anything to support his family and make sure my mom could stay at home and raise us. They didnt believe in other people (babysitters) raising their kids (I dont either). Now life has turned around for my parents, my dad makes GOOD money, so he gives us the things he couldnt before. Thats why Im able to go to school and not work. Thats why I drive the car that I do. And if you ever call me a spoiled brat Ill punch you in the throat. Because I know what its like to have nothing and i thank God daily for allowing my dad the means to give his children the world because it makes him whole.
7) I met snoop dogg once at a 711 in Pasadena.. and i rapped for him.
"Fallin back on that ass, with a hellafied gangsta lean..gettin funky on the mic like a old batch of collard greens..It's the capital S, oh yes I'm fresh, N double-O P D O double-G Y, D O double-G, ya see...showin much flex when it's time to wreck a mic...pimpin hoes and clockin a grip like my name was Dolomite!!!"

8) If i don't read two books a month i feel very unproductive.
9) I've slept naked since i was 13. I can't sleep in clothes anymore. And if i HAVE too... i can't wear anything more then a t-shirt and panties or else i'll get all tangled up and won't be able to sleep.
10) My first kiss was in the 7th grade during a game of spin the bottle. The bottle landed on Jeff Sellers who, the week prior to this event, I had called a dick in front of our entire math class. We hated eachother so when we kissed he pulled away and announced to the whole fucking party that I had bit the fuck out of his lip and was the worst kisser on earth. I was so embarrassed and self-conscious about it that I missed the next two days of school and didnt kiss another boy till well into high school. I still hate Jeff Sellers. I hope he has an STD.
and I envy you for meeting snoop dogg.
lets chill out, max, relax all cool...