Something has grown increasingly funny to me lately. Nothing is ever final or stable, totally by choice. "I love you! I miss you! You're wonderful!"
Yeah, seriously. Fuck all of that shit. "I love you until you make me angry! I miss you but not enough to hang out with you! You're wonderful when you keep your fucking mouth shut!"
Our standard of love is...
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Yeah, seriously. Fuck all of that shit. "I love you until you make me angry! I miss you but not enough to hang out with you! You're wonderful when you keep your fucking mouth shut!"
Our standard of love is...
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New Years Resolutions.
1. Take better care of teeth (mainly getting over my fear of floss.)
2. Reconcile my on going grudge against socks.
3. Love a certain someone less.
4. Love another certain someone more.
5. Become decisive about things like what I want for lunch and what color I want to paint my condo.
6. Start my own religion in worship of pink...
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1. Take better care of teeth (mainly getting over my fear of floss.)
2. Reconcile my on going grudge against socks.
3. Love a certain someone less.
4. Love another certain someone more.
5. Become decisive about things like what I want for lunch and what color I want to paint my condo.
6. Start my own religion in worship of pink...
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Floss hurts. Just really dig in there with your fingernails. Just as good. Somebody told me.
I don't like the idea of a holiday where if you're not out participating in drunken debauchery you're collectively pitied by the rest of society.
Really, all i want to do tonight is drink my $8 bottle of Champagne. At home. While listening to the rain. Perhaps cuddle up in a blanket and watch movies. Have sex. Then go to sleep. That would fucking be...
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Really, all i want to do tonight is drink my $8 bottle of Champagne. At home. While listening to the rain. Perhaps cuddle up in a blanket and watch movies. Have sex. Then go to sleep. That would fucking be...
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Looks like a bangin' party...I'm jealous!
Come live with me.... i'm awesome, trust me.
So.... i'm finally moving out! This is exciting news, you guys.. like my nipples are erect with anticipation, you have no idea. Within the next month i'll be moving into a niiiiice ass 2 story condo in Anaheim.
It has 2 Master bedrooms, each bedroom has it's own bathroom and there's half a bath downstairs.
If you,...
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So.... i'm finally moving out! This is exciting news, you guys.. like my nipples are erect with anticipation, you have no idea. Within the next month i'll be moving into a niiiiice ass 2 story condo in Anaheim.
It has 2 Master bedrooms, each bedroom has it's own bathroom and there's half a bath downstairs.
If you,...
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Sounds like you got quite a deal on that condo.
Soooo.... i love Ian. He is the precise equation of the number of times my heart beats multiplied by my capacity to adore someone.
I've always been one of those people that are completely infatuated with the little mannerisms people have that make them perfectly and uniquely themselves.
Like i remember the way Jake use to always yawn when he got nervous. The scar he...
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I've always been one of those people that are completely infatuated with the little mannerisms people have that make them perfectly and uniquely themselves.
Like i remember the way Jake use to always yawn when he got nervous. The scar he...
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how very descriptive, yet I cannot help but feel somewhat kindred... People always say the little things we remember, so I guess that's probably true... or maybe they just seemed little at the time...
scooby doo, where are you?
I'm disappointed no one has really posted about this yet.
This New Orleans thing is really troubling me. Failures at every level of governance caused this chaos to unfold, and nothing is going to change. How could we have allowed this to happen to our own citizens, and how can we continue to allow them to dig themselves deeper? This overwhelming poverty of sense and...
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This New Orleans thing is really troubling me. Failures at every level of governance caused this chaos to unfold, and nothing is going to change. How could we have allowed this to happen to our own citizens, and how can we continue to allow them to dig themselves deeper? This overwhelming poverty of sense and...
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Would you have expected something different from our current government? We are spending millions of dollars a day on this sham of a war yet we cannot take care of our own. It's fucking sick! A couple years back Florida was bombarded by huricanes yet they recieved instant federal aid meanwhile California was in a state of emergency due to an energy crisis but recieved no federal funding. Our founding fathers would be completely discusted with the government they fought so hard to establish.
I got my front tooth busted up. There's a big piece missing now. Hott, right?... RIGHT?? yeah dudes, i know.
Anyways.. last night it was sort of a bummer. But today i'm fully embracing the fact that i totally look like a homeless crackhead.
Maybe i'll stop wearing shoes all together too. Maybe i WILL actually pick up a crack habit, preferably one under 20...
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Anyways.. last night it was sort of a bummer. But today i'm fully embracing the fact that i totally look like a homeless crackhead.
Maybe i'll stop wearing shoes all together too. Maybe i WILL actually pick up a crack habit, preferably one under 20...
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this journal entry is worthless without pictures of said snaggletooth!!!!
i'll show you mine, if you show us yours.
i'll show you mine, if you show us yours.

Dumpster diving rocks... chipping your tooth does not.
where the heck are ya?
i am in dire need of some good reading.
i am in dire need of some good reading.
what BOOBS

i feel better., that's a lie. I don't.
Fuck me.
Once again i've over estimated my ability to read 800+ pages for my American History class, write a 10 page paper, write a two page paper, read about 20 pages for Abnormal psychology, get all my stats homework in on time, and study for my finals (which are all on the same...
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i feel better., that's a lie. I don't.
Fuck me.
Once again i've over estimated my ability to read 800+ pages for my American History class, write a 10 page paper, write a two page paper, read about 20 pages for Abnormal psychology, get all my stats homework in on time, and study for my finals (which are all on the same...
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I wonder if i can bid for a quick and painless death on eBay
I checked...the bidding is at $7.95, with a buy it now value of $15.00
No quick and painless death for you. You have to much to offer the world. All this hard work for you will pay off. I know it sucks now, but just a few more days and your free. It would be great to get some the books you have in audio version and put them into you ipod. Hang in there girl your doing great straight A's , my god your awsome

Yes. But I don't take lunches during the it'll have to be on a crowded and possibly gloriously sunny Sat or Sun.
I'll give ya a call...or vice versa...but we both know how you are with phones.
China....ah...yes. My memories of China consist of several CHINAMEN and women invading my personal space (touching, tugging, laughing, putting their face in my face)because they'd hardly ever seen a white man before...
...helping out a needy child...only to have the coin I dropped in his empty cup become the GONG that sounded the go ahead for the MOB that then decended on me looking for a handout. I almost did'nt make it out alive....
...thousands and thousands of bikes and pedestrians and cars...with no lanes...NO RULES. The streets could'nt be more disorganized if a blind man were the urban planner.
...walking into a convienience store in Shanghai to buy a pack of gum...only to walk out because there were dead chickens...and I swear to you...dogs...hanging from the shelf above the candy....
...seeing possibly the most beautiful asian woman I have ever seen in my life at the Yu Yuan Garden giftshop. I'll never forget how gorgeous she was across the room. I walked in the door and music started playing. You know the music...LOVE at first sight music....then....
then she smiled.
The music came to a screetching halt.
I've never seen teeth so green. China is definately the most foreign of the foreign countries I've been. Worth the trip...but I creeped me out in a way I can't explain. You should go.
I'll give ya a call...or vice versa...but we both know how you are with phones.
China....ah...yes. My memories of China consist of several CHINAMEN and women invading my personal space (touching, tugging, laughing, putting their face in my face)because they'd hardly ever seen a white man before...
...helping out a needy child...only to have the coin I dropped in his empty cup become the GONG that sounded the go ahead for the MOB that then decended on me looking for a handout. I almost did'nt make it out alive....
...thousands and thousands of bikes and pedestrians and cars...with no lanes...NO RULES. The streets could'nt be more disorganized if a blind man were the urban planner.
...walking into a convienience store in Shanghai to buy a pack of gum...only to walk out because there were dead chickens...and I swear to you...dogs...hanging from the shelf above the candy....
...seeing possibly the most beautiful asian woman I have ever seen in my life at the Yu Yuan Garden giftshop. I'll never forget how gorgeous she was across the room. I walked in the door and music started playing. You know the music...LOVE at first sight music....then....
then she smiled.
The music came to a screetching halt.
I've never seen teeth so green. China is definately the most foreign of the foreign countries I've been. Worth the trip...but I creeped me out in a way I can't explain. You should go.

I like the hair, cute as hell, to say the least. Oh and
you win the prize, what gave it away?

I think because my mother is Mexican and because my father was an addict...
I think because they were immigrants...
I think that is why I try so fucking hard.
And I think if I wasn't built out of hour glasses...
If I wasn't so emotional...
I think I might be more attractive.
I think if I never found out my dad was working 3...
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I think because they were immigrants...
I think that is why I try so fucking hard.
And I think if I wasn't built out of hour glasses...
If I wasn't so emotional...
I think I might be more attractive.
I think if I never found out my dad was working 3...
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Oh goes the whole "my mother is a Mexican" excuse for being an overachiever.
is it nature....
or nurture...
that makes Nadia push and push and push?
hell if I know...but I don't think there's really much I could ever imagine that would make you "more attractive." You might be LESS annoying...but you certainly don't have to worry about being attractive...At least not to others with the same stripe of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and status anxiety. Some people dig annoyingly compicated individuals like you. Go figure. Beaner.
is it nature....
or nurture...
that makes Nadia push and push and push?
hell if I know...but I don't think there's really much I could ever imagine that would make you "more attractive." You might be LESS annoying...but you certainly don't have to worry about being attractive...At least not to others with the same stripe of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and status anxiety. Some people dig annoyingly compicated individuals like you. Go figure. Beaner.

I DO NOT smirk.
I grimmace.
It's more mysterious and sexy.
....sort of.
Actually...come to think of just makes me look constipated.
I miss you too. Don't you owe me flan or some shit? I swear you promised me food of some kind.
I grimmace.
It's more mysterious and sexy.
....sort of.
Actually...come to think of just makes me look constipated.

I miss you too. Don't you owe me flan or some shit? I swear you promised me food of some kind.
take care!!