Yesterday I opened up my girlfriends car door and threw up
All over her car
And the street
And myself.
It was wonderful, like angels trumpets blowing as all that shit poured out my body onto the road whilst the traffic stopped to watch.
Really, just imagine it.
A playful reinactment of the hangover, played out perilously on 7th street.
Let me give you a play by play then of the night before.
Wine wine wine and anime and cookin with the girl. She cooked, I drank, she cooked and drank, I drank and watched t.v. Went and pissed in a toilet at work that sits outside the homecenter waiting for someone to buy it. They better pay more for that shit, now that it has my excrements staining it's insides. Found our way to a bar at 10 in the o'clock where we got more drunk, and danced, and pulled the whole bar up to dance (This is where I yelled "Where are all the drunk bitches? " And pulled big titty hoes out on the floor with me). The pretty little girlfriend then drove us and some dewd back to his house whhheeeerreee (mr. wanna be hippy with skanky ass dreads) took us out to the beach with some fine smoking accompanyments and myself and a dear friend decided to strip down and dip our toesies in the water. This all ended with your dear topless myrtle on forementioned dewds lap saying god knows what with pretty girlfriend saying "Keep your panties on" and informing dewd that she would not be taking her top off (as she's got the tits and I don't). All in all it was a win of anight, and I went into work yesterday, then went home, as I was puking the whole way.
Sounds like a divine kind of lifestyle eh?
Well, you might be fooled.
darlings, I think we need a revolution.
Who wants to start it?
Where are all the drunk bitches?
(Because those girls know how to work it)
I'll leave you with a picture of a work christmas parade.
You can guess who is who. I've got both me and the girlfriend in there. Pick us out.

All over her car
And the street
And myself.
It was wonderful, like angels trumpets blowing as all that shit poured out my body onto the road whilst the traffic stopped to watch.
Really, just imagine it.
A playful reinactment of the hangover, played out perilously on 7th street.
Let me give you a play by play then of the night before.
Wine wine wine and anime and cookin with the girl. She cooked, I drank, she cooked and drank, I drank and watched t.v. Went and pissed in a toilet at work that sits outside the homecenter waiting for someone to buy it. They better pay more for that shit, now that it has my excrements staining it's insides. Found our way to a bar at 10 in the o'clock where we got more drunk, and danced, and pulled the whole bar up to dance (This is where I yelled "Where are all the drunk bitches? " And pulled big titty hoes out on the floor with me). The pretty little girlfriend then drove us and some dewd back to his house whhheeeerreee (mr. wanna be hippy with skanky ass dreads) took us out to the beach with some fine smoking accompanyments and myself and a dear friend decided to strip down and dip our toesies in the water. This all ended with your dear topless myrtle on forementioned dewds lap saying god knows what with pretty girlfriend saying "Keep your panties on" and informing dewd that she would not be taking her top off (as she's got the tits and I don't). All in all it was a win of anight, and I went into work yesterday, then went home, as I was puking the whole way.
Sounds like a divine kind of lifestyle eh?
Well, you might be fooled.
darlings, I think we need a revolution.
Who wants to start it?
Where are all the drunk bitches?
(Because those girls know how to work it)
I'll leave you with a picture of a work christmas parade.
You can guess who is who. I've got both me and the girlfriend in there. Pick us out.

I'd still love to have sex with her . . . just because. But I promise . . . it would be better than that!