Maybe because I had zero interest in it growing up, still don't for that matter, can someone tell me what the big deal about pot is? Seeing girls on here say "don't even bother talking to me if you don't smoke pot" and "stoner for life" push me even further away from it if that's how people who use it think of themselves.
I'm sure people may think some of my hobbies are stupid, and I'm not acting like I'm better than anyone because I choose not to participate, it's just something that has been on my mind lately.
great to hear your take on it @chefbethrogers . I guess it's easier to think of it from a stance of a habit that I do, which is drinking. I'm not better than anyone because I like to drink, and nobody is "wrong" for not wanting to drink.
I've never tried it, and I doubt that I ever will, but I've been around it since college. It's neither as innocent as some people make it out to be, nor is it as bad as some people make it out to be. It is a drug which can be abused or helpful, like many other drugs out there. I actually think it would help our economy greatly to legalize it, simply because of the many benefits it can have, outside of smoking it.