wayhay!!! thanks everyone for my birthday comments - even the rude ones!
so since last wednesday, i've been on a 7 day long birthday extravaganza of insanity.
i did take some photos but i'm afraid to say they are shit...so yer only gonna get a couple pictures i'm afraid.
the weeks gone summat like this (spoilered for you all you people that hate reading long journals)
wednesday: The Bronx
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Went to islington academy with carmel, tony, shaun and
Jackie, along with various other reprobates from The Ship to see The Bronx.
The gig was as expected, the band being totally awesome and chaotic YET AGAIN.
spent most of the gig jumping around with carmel and jackie, and spilling more beer than i probably managed to drink (i was drenched).
and Matt from The Bronx bought me a beer! I rule!
thursday: ZombieElvis book launch
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me and
Doplex went along to
ZombieElviss book launch in Holborn. apparently he invited us cos we're normal.
proceeded to get extremely pissed on free champagne and white wine, and laughed at Doplex most of the eve, who spent his time a) being offensive and b) escaping from scary looking lonely hearts ladies in need of a shag.
ended up in some random bars in Holborn, including my fave The Crown (cos its damn cheap). Somehow i managed to stagger home and catch the last train.
friday: random beers #1
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got up late (was off work), mooched about, then headed to The Ship for about 3. had a couple of sneaky beers then went to meet my lovely mate

had a nandos.
went back to The Ship and met up with lisa's friends Big Ginger Chris and Katie. Chris is a good guy. Katie however, is awesome!!

she was down for the weekend for Chris's birthday, and apparently had two days free after the weekend. So lisa hooked me up with her so i could take her out for the day on monday. fantastic!
needless to say, the quiet drink in The Ship wasn't very quiet. Ended up back home playing Singstar with Lisa in our pants, drinking ridiculous amounts of Grolsh till 2AM.
saturday: my birthday bash
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after me and lisa had the scariest row with the most horrendous neighbour from hell (thats another story), we made our way back up town at lunchtime.
the basic plan was just to get hammered. we started at The Hole In The Wall @ Waterloo for lunchtime beers, then The Porterhouse in Covent Garden, then Cafe Em for eats, then the good ole Ship to finish off the night.
was joined by loads of lovely people -
CreamyGoodness, along with Lisa, Duncan, Carmel, Tony, Chris, Ginger Chris, Katie, and eventually
ended up back at the flat, doing Singstar again. bed at 3.30AM. oh shit, theres gonna be a hangover.
sunday: hangover
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woke up feeling like shit. lisa seemed ok. luckily jackie felt as shit as i did, although without the vomiting.

lisa went home (

), and eventually myself and jac emerged from the flat and went for breakfast.
at 3PM.
in a pub.
consisting of 12oz rib eye steaks and chips!!
luckily for Jackie, after a couple of beers, she got a second wind.
unluckily for me, after a couple of beers, i just wanted to die.
monday: random beers #2
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went up to Blood Brothers tattoo in Holloway with Jackie, and managed by a total fluke to get booked in with JJ for the next day.
as it was past 1PM, it was time for beer. so we headed to The Bailey - and drank a few beers!
eventually it was time to let my lovely friend go home (

), and off i went to Victoria to meet the just as lovely Katie.
went to the British Museum (after getting lost), looked at some mummies, looked at some funny statues with big willies, and after 45 mins, Katie turned to me and said the one word guaranteed to get me going:
so i took her to The Crown and drank cheap beer. then we met up with Ginger Chris at The Ship, had beers, and then went for burgers.
what thoroughly nice people they are!
tuesday: tattoos and Borat
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got myself up to Blood Brothers for 1PM, and after going over the tattoo design with JJ (which is a bit insane), got down to being tattooed.
this is what i ended up with:

a freaky looking skull wearing a pair of headphones!!
hehe its insane - i love it!
once that was sorted, it was off to The Ship AGAIN to meet up with the lovely
Vix, to go eat and see Borat (yeah yeah we know its hilarious) and have a quiet beer.
then bed. work on wednesday.
all in all i've had a fucking great 7 days (apart from the abusive foul mouthed neighbour), and although i'm fucking knackered, i still keep randomly grinning about some of the stuff that went on.
one highlight: Doplexs random foghorn singing to Should I Stay Or Should I Go on saturday night 
finally though - thanks to everyone that bought me pressies. doplex's dinosaur jr ticket, cherrys tank girl book, peepees curb your enthusiasm DVDs, jackies johnny cash CDs and vixs assortment of random goodies.
thanks so much guys, that was so awesome of you!! 
ok - back to normal now i suppose....
Sadly, our guitarist and bassist are the blaggers in my band. I still have to pay to get in places.