It's overcast and cold today. It reminds me of Fall days back in Seattle. I miss my apartment there. It was a corner apartment, so there were 5 windows in the living room. It had an almost panoramic view of the space needle, downtown and Capital Hill. It was an old brick building from 1928 with hardwood floors and all that great stuff. For any of you folks who've been to Seattle, it was at the base of Queen Anne. On days like these, I'd burn tons of candles, and play something old like Count Basie. Such a great vibe. I feel really good right now. Don't know why, I just do. Hope it lasts.
i'm guessing i probably know your old apt. building... i've spent many, many hours on and around Q. Anne - some nice places around there.
it's been unseasonably sunny since the massive deluge of rain last week. went out to ocean shores yesterday, it was almost 70 out there...