last week ended up being pretty lax in terms of school issues. granted, i did completely blow some stuff off that maybe i shouldn't have, but it was a nice break. this week and next week...well, they're going to be a bit more hectic.
pretty fun-busy weekend. went to my friend's rugby game, performed in a drag show later that night. though i wasn't as...
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ok so i just downloaded the songs u performed to and let me just say you did an amazing job. or maybe a super-duper job biggrin Indeed.... I can visualize all of your 'genderbending moves' when i just hear the song. smile
u should change that profile pic to u. i bet ur way hotter than whoever that is.
"triuphant return? or self diluted rambling?"
been so long. the bane of having only public access internet has finally ended so maybe i can finally get around to being more active on this here site. the issues:
-school: it's been keeping me busy, but not in that 'god i have no free time and want to die' sort of way, just busy when i'm not...
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what was the name of the second song u did?
mthankyou. biggrin ps superduper jobaroo

yeah, i'm at a bit of a loss as to what to say, you know? life keeps going on and new things around the corner...
it's been a while. lots of things have happened, most i'll probably forget to mention. moved back to columbia for school in late july. sat around doing nothing for a week at my apartment before starting my crappy part time job at the university bookstore. thank god it was temporary. also got my job back at the geography lab entering data. much better job. i...
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concerts and chaos. private internet access not working. moving back to columbia in a few days. hope to solve my problems but not before helping with others. insert more random vagueness here.
i've returned to the states. the joy of coming back and seeing my family and so on was quickly washed away after i slumped into the eventualy routine of work, home, sleep, procrastination. i'm still missing a lot of people and experiances. it's hard for me to deal with the fact that i may never see many of those people ever again. sometime i think...
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Cheers for the comment - trying to be positive myself and only time will tell.

Sounds like you're the adapting process to living at home again - always a difficult thing to do. When I visit my folx in Spain, its nice, but so isolated from cities and crowds.

Hope everything gets back to normal for you.

Take it easy.
I Love Your Profile Pic. You've made my sleepless night. Thank you.
five more days. four, really, because friday is nothing but travel hell (hopefully only in the sense that it's a full day of traveling and not in terms of bad shit happening). feeling conflicted between looking forward to going back home and realizing i'm really going to miss it over here. the last few days are going to go so fast. so many things to...
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trust no one.
Na the Crash I was speaking of is a new flick by Paul Haggis, I looked up the film u were talking about, doesn't look bad. Anyway if u get the chance check out the new Crash.
something feels wrong with me. all of the sudden. can't put my finger on it, totally inefable. i think part of it is just sexual frustration, but i'm sure there is more to it than that. part of it probably has to do with returning home soon, which should be good, right? i think that i'm realizing that things are going to be different when...
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that's definitely not true, unfortunately frown
Heh - cool story!

Sounds like you had a bit of a mixed time in Latvia. At least you've had a holiday! smile
Latvia: former communist shit hole.

the trip started out entirely on the wrong foot. i missed the last bus to the airport and ended up having to take a taxi. after flying to berlin and spending the most comfortable and fun 6 hours in the airport, i finally got to latvia at about 10 in the morning. i found my hostel with only minimal confusion....
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A few days ago, I watched this program about Latvia and then read this article about Bush's trip in "The Nation." It was cool to read what you had to say about the place.

Go to Berlin, and let the games begin!

my next shoot is scheduled already, so don't worry about me smile
so i've done pretty much nothing for the past three weeks. as a result, i've gone slightly crazier and have saved a lot of money. as it looks, i will be traveling every weekend until the second week in june. so therefor, it is my last weekend in maastricht. some friends are leaving next week, so that means tonight will be a total go crazy...
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yeah, the dresden dolls were cool. the burlesque show sucked though, it was very amateur (sp?)

ooh, i'd like to see pics of the netherlands and such smile
Not a problem at all! Glad to be a help and hope that you have a fantastic time over there. Really hope I can do it myself at some point!

Take care! smile
urgh. just updated my profile pic. had to fool around with it in paint to get keep from getting too stretech and skewed and just plain make it look cooler. is still a pretty pixely. we shall see how this little experiment goes. can always change it again. totally.

almost had a nervous breakdown yesterday. the thought of being stuck over here in the netherlands...
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when are you coming back to missouri? we will have to have another party then smile

my sister is taking her last semester in South Korea. she's enjoying it so far, except for the fact that she couldn't pack enough books.