I'm fucking sick of them.
So many fucking ticks on me this week.
I'm going to be severely pissed off if I get Lyme's or bebesiosis or something. I fucking hate spirochetes.
And diseased or no, their bites itch like a motherfucker.
Sunday super update:
So, I read, and liked Stephen King's "Hearts in Atlantis" a year ago I guess. I finally got around to watching the movie of it. What the fuck were they thinking? I could only watch about twenty minutes before I had to turn it off. For one thing, I hate when they make arbitrary changes in adaptations. There was no reason to change them from Low Men in Yellow Coats to just Low Men. Why? Just to be dicks?
And how the hell could they go and turn Bobby Garfield into a puling little shit? That's unforgivable. I am covered in rage. Well, moderate annoyance anyhow. It's kind of surprising since Stephen King adaptations tend to be pretty good.
I'm fucking sick of them.
So many fucking ticks on me this week.
I'm going to be severely pissed off if I get Lyme's or bebesiosis or something. I fucking hate spirochetes.
And diseased or no, their bites itch like a motherfucker.
Sunday super update:
So, I read, and liked Stephen King's "Hearts in Atlantis" a year ago I guess. I finally got around to watching the movie of it. What the fuck were they thinking? I could only watch about twenty minutes before I had to turn it off. For one thing, I hate when they make arbitrary changes in adaptations. There was no reason to change them from Low Men in Yellow Coats to just Low Men. Why? Just to be dicks?
And how the hell could they go and turn Bobby Garfield into a puling little shit? That's unforgivable. I am covered in rage. Well, moderate annoyance anyhow. It's kind of surprising since Stephen King adaptations tend to be pretty good.
Ticks suck.
And adaptations of King's horror tend to be good. Adaptations of his novels... not so much.
And you suck.
And I suck.
And I love you. Or something.