So I stopped into the Sagaponack General Store while I was working today to pick up a cup of coffee. I haven't been there in a while, and they had renovated last year, and I was curious to see what they had done to the place. I rarely go there because it is literally the only store in Sagaponack, and their food isn't particularly good, though there are a lot of better places not too far away. So I park my truck, empty the ass end of the last cup off coffee I had out into the bushes, and go inside. I pour the coffee, put in a little milk and sugar, and when I turn around I see price tags on the metal tube things where they keep their disposable paper coffee cups (i bring my own, because I love the environment like that. also sometimes it's cheaper), and what do I see there? 20 oz. $2.95. $2.95! For a large fucking coffee! It's insanity! My coffee cup holds 16 oz. so it cost me $2.44. Even for the hamptons, this is extremely outrageous. The large is almost twice the price that it would be anywhere else around here. And it's not like they roast their own coffee fresh every day (there are two places around here that do roast their own coffee daily that I go to. A large coffee at both places is something like $1.75. And it's quality shit too.). Just slightly better than average deli coffee. Three bucks.
What happens to a person's brain that makes them think it is an alright thing to do to sell a cup of coffee for three dollars? Un-fucking-believable. If this catches on, I might lose my mind. Also, no discount for using my own reusable cup. Assholes.
An edit due to my newly renewed amazement at how little some people know:
So I'm watching Cash Cab. The question was "Who Wrote '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea'?" The girl doesn't know. Alright, that's fine. She calls her friend for the answer. Her friend says "Ernest Hemingway."
What happens to a person's brain that makes them think it is an alright thing to do to sell a cup of coffee for three dollars? Un-fucking-believable. If this catches on, I might lose my mind. Also, no discount for using my own reusable cup. Assholes.
An edit due to my newly renewed amazement at how little some people know:
So I'm watching Cash Cab. The question was "Who Wrote '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea'?" The girl doesn't know. Alright, that's fine. She calls her friend for the answer. Her friend says "Ernest Hemingway."

Forewarned is forearmed. Just make sure you've got coffee before driving through there from now on.