My mom got divorced from my abusive sperm donor when I was 7 months old. We moved to NM and lived with my grandparents until I was 9. My grandfather was a retired full Colonel and my grandmother, who never worked outside of raising 4 kids, were the major influences in my... Read More
I love that picture of your grandparents, yes your grandmother is very beautiful. (but then so are you)..sometimes I think a day to remember people you love is nice, kind of bitter sweet..umm I mean..oh I dont really know
Umm I don't think I have seen American psycho..but I definitely have heard about it..umm, scary stuff..though I think sometimes i feel a bit like that too. i am not hugely tolerant of people..hmm.
Wow, a week has gone by since our comment..I dont think I have been spending as much time on here as I used to..which is both a good and bad thing.
Such a lovely day here today i think I am going to go out and get another coffee.
I dont have much new to say.
Work was the same and so was coming home to an empty house.
I DO have to give MAD kudos to the lovely ladies in the Hopefuls group!!! I learned something that made me fall off my couch! and yes, I bumped me head!
a fucking tampon!!! gross and funny at the same time!!!
sigh its the... Read More
I dont want to go into WHY I dont have lots of pictures for you all to see.
Just know that if you have a medical question, I'm your girl. If you want me to do something with computers? Well...ya I would ask someone else. ANYONE would do actually, as lon all while thinking about you all and well they are now gone forever.
I am not being a slut. The hat is sexy and all the ladies need to see the hat, so I should share myself and the hat. in fact it is my responsibility to make sure as many ladies as possible see the hat but of course that means they see me too, its a challenge sometimes but I deal with it.
Long night at work.
This has really been a very long week for me. The nice thing is I got paid more money than at the Zone. I actually made almost double than I would have at the head shop in TWO weeks!!
and yes, I will still be broke!
I honestly tho cant wait until I get out at 9 pm instead of midnight.... Read More
when will you be getting off at 9pm rather than midnight?
just keep focused, all this shitty stuff going on is gonna turn into good stuff in a matter of time. i mean you got yourself a better paying job, this is exactly what you wanted. just give yourself time, you will settle into the new schedule and stuff. and stay positive, you're in my thoughts!
and hey, if you need someone to talk to gimme a call. i hardly sleep thru the week.
You seem like such a genuinely sweet lady and I wish you didn't feel so lonely. I was thinking...if we ever become SGs....our hotness combined would make one hell of a multi....hahaha!. Xoxoxoxo!
Don't know if you ever seen Family Guy, but Stewie always puts a smile on my face, so hopefully he'll put a smile on your face too.
Day-um! Did you turn yourself inside out with an orgasm that long?? Holy Fuckin' moly!!
Thanks for your loves chica...I really needed them! You are a dear friend, I only wish that we lived closer together 'cuz I know that we'd have a barrel of fun together
I'm glad your mom's personality saved the day on the phone line as well...that job was made for you!
You know how some people are just GOOD PEOPLE? They always try to do whats right even when an opportunity presents itself to do the opposite? They try to do right by other people, even when those ppl might think they are being malicious, when in fact they are doing whats best for BOTH parties involved?
They volunteer time and energy that they probably dont... Read More
I didnt get back to anyone.
I know I know I suck.
My answer?
VERY well thank you!!
Ya, I have talent!
Nothing worth talking about happened at work today.
well, NOT true!
I wore an SG shirt!! OMG a group of like 6 ppl came up to me and were like all about the 100 questions!
Guys stared at my butt.
It was
I CANNOT take phone calls or txt between the hours of 3pm and midnight MY time! I am putting this on every blog until I get out of class because I am getting tired of getting said calls and txt and than people getting mad because I am not responding. I have my phone turned off because it is craptastic... Read More
picturing some people in there undies might make you sick. if you can't get away with smoking pot remember you are better than those pieces of shit and be aggresive. talk down to those maggots and make them beg!
maybe i'm thinking of something else. what is it you do again?
oh well, give 'em hell and don't sweat the small shit.
Umm I don't think I have seen American psycho..but I definitely have heard about it..umm, scary stuff..though I think sometimes i feel a bit like that too. i am not hugely tolerant of people..hmm.
Wow, a week has gone by since our comment..I dont think I have been spending as much time on here as I used to..which is both a good and bad thing.
Such a lovely day here today i think I am going to go out and get another coffee.