I dont want to look at that anymore. I wrote it to "let go". You either see that or you dont. All I have to say about it is..Meh.
I am still taking a "me" break. Wanna know why? Read the spoiler.
Either you believe this stuff or you dont. It sums me up pretty well so I believe it.Take it or leave it.
Here... Read More
i'm so excited for this set, we are planning it to a T so it will be the one that goes live hopefully [[:
I cannot wait either!! The Sanrio store is at the Chandler Fashion Square [I think it's square.. could be center]. It's on Chandler Blvd. Oh boy I am so excited too! I love new friends, and meeting awesome SG friends, oh boy!
I updated this at the bottom. I wont be online for a bit AGAIN. This blog made me realize that I am getting too hurt at other ppls actions so I need to regroup. See ya soon.....
Its 1AM and I cant sleep. My head is so full of snot and I have a lot weighing heavily on me right now.
Some are good things.... Read More
I think its because I am on a computer all day and than after work I am just too tired. That and I am sick.
PLUS I am turning into a hermit. I dont wear make up or do my hair and I havent left the house since Sunday!
I think thats all making me depressed.... Read More
We have officially hit the lass than 30 day mark. On October 22 I will be flying to Arizona and will get to meet aldremech!!! I dont think I have the words to describe just how happy I am!!
Now can we make the time go faster please???
So I dyed my hair blue again!! I will be posting pictures this week when I... Read More
We should make an event out of it huh. Like I guess walking the mall and a nice dinner would be kick ass. I can't wait to see you either. I can't wait to have pictures that shows I met you too ha ha
It seems I am back faster than I thought! That is thanks FIRST to lilli and aldremech, who were wonderful in letting me get out my frustration and giving me the support and love that I... Read More
I know, bad friend, BAD FRIEND!
I havent gotten back to any of you have I?
I was so tired last night and I decided to install that memory ( thank you AGAIN asylum643 you kick ass man!) and check to see if my computer was ready to work!
Are you all ready to be amazed? OK ya I was in a chat window and... Read More
Ya... I am STILL happy! *giggle*
Although "the angry one" is still having a bad week! I wish so much I could be there to do SOMETHING to make him smile.
We started plugging in with other CSRs. For the past two weeks it has all been about how to talk to a customer. Fine, I guess not everyone knows to show compassion when the... Read More
so I went to the doctor today.
My body is fighting the cold better than expected, yet there was a letter in my chart from one of my other doctors.
I HAVE to quit smoking. Quit drinking (except on a fun occasion) and eat healthier. Ya stuff I already knew but I guess my kidneys arent doing so well and the side affects I have... Read More
i'm so excited for this set, we are planning it to a T so it will be the one that goes live hopefully [[:
I cannot wait either!! The Sanrio store is at the Chandler Fashion Square [I think it's square.. could be center]. It's on Chandler Blvd. Oh boy I am so excited too! I love new friends, and meeting awesome SG friends, oh boy!