In honor of my triumphant recovery I am doing TWO things...
1. I am leaving the house to go shopping...there are things I need (and lets face it...things I want) and if I stay in this house much longer I think the walls will start to close in on me. Can we say stir crazy? hmmmm?
But before I go out into that big cold world i thought I would leave you with some photos.
I am SOOO not a photographer...and would LOVE to have a personal one follow me around documenting my days but alas you will all have to deal with MY crappy skills.
ok so you know how I am always talking about my foot surgeries? Well here is a picture of my foot LAST YEAR!!! ewwwwwwww
and here is one of ME!!! hahahah I dunno why but I LIKE this picture. its of me before I was comfortable in my own skin. I am about 29 there...MAYBE 30. wow...its so weird...
I DID get a WONDERFUL picture via email last night..but I cant post it...just let me say that THIS fish is one LUCKY girl!!
and this is what started it all today. I was sitting on Yahoo in a phone call and I looked over and this is what I saw...they are so pretty...made my heart skip a beat!!
ok Have a wonderful day..I am gonna go shopping..maybe for shoes..after being reminded with that picture...and I need socks, qtips, ball know..the usual!