So, I had a birthday gathering for my friend Tanyer last night. The festivities were held at my apartment. Tanyer didn't show up to her own party until 11pm. Her new penis friend, Matt, brought his cat over. Little black kitty named Tao. Wanted to see how Tao and my cat, Maurice, would interact. As a result, my kitty's eyes are irritated and inflamed.. which has been a result in the past and I still have medication for, but still. *Edit to clarify: I suspect the other kitty may have batted at his eyes and they are irritated as a result* I feel terrible. Poor Maurice. <3
Maurice/El Capitan Sassypants in my bathtub :
I've been reading quite a bit lately. I'm reading I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb at the moment, and it strikes me as odd.. the people my mind will randomly choose to play the parts as the characters. How I can picture the Irish actor.. the father from 28 Days Later.. and then a butch lesbian from the bar I sing at in the same story is fascinating to me. My mind seems to play strange tricks on me like that. I auditioned for the Children's Theatre at the museum once. The pianist who played as I sang for the audition.. my memory INSISTS it was Chris Noth a.k.a.. Mr. Big from Sex and the City. Naturally, my memory is quite wrong.
The same group of friends is calling quite a bit tthis evening, and I find myself avoiding the phone. I'd rather stay home and read. Meanwhile, as the cat crawls into my lap, I discover that even if his eyes are a bit sore, he's still quite the purr monster.
There's a stalker in my building. Semi assaulted me in the hallway and I suspect he's the reason a fair amount of my underwear is missing. In order to have access to the laundry room, you need to live in the building to have the key. Knocks on my door quite a bit. blah blah blah.
Apy-poly-logies for my lack of updating and not keeping up on my comments.
I hope you are well.
Maurice/El Capitan Sassypants in my bathtub :

I've been reading quite a bit lately. I'm reading I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb at the moment, and it strikes me as odd.. the people my mind will randomly choose to play the parts as the characters. How I can picture the Irish actor.. the father from 28 Days Later.. and then a butch lesbian from the bar I sing at in the same story is fascinating to me. My mind seems to play strange tricks on me like that. I auditioned for the Children's Theatre at the museum once. The pianist who played as I sang for the audition.. my memory INSISTS it was Chris Noth a.k.a.. Mr. Big from Sex and the City. Naturally, my memory is quite wrong.
The same group of friends is calling quite a bit tthis evening, and I find myself avoiding the phone. I'd rather stay home and read. Meanwhile, as the cat crawls into my lap, I discover that even if his eyes are a bit sore, he's still quite the purr monster.
There's a stalker in my building. Semi assaulted me in the hallway and I suspect he's the reason a fair amount of my underwear is missing. In order to have access to the laundry room, you need to live in the building to have the key. Knocks on my door quite a bit. blah blah blah.
Apy-poly-logies for my lack of updating and not keeping up on my comments.

I hope you are well.
I would say steal his underwear to teach him a lesson but it's hardly a two way street.
One dudes undies are another girls phobia
[Edited on Sep 13, 2005 6:02PM]