Spring break is here...finally. No exotic locales for me. I'm not a fan of warm and tropical, anyway. What I will be doing is finally being able to take a breath. I've never been so stressed out and busy in my eleven years of teaching. As strange as it may sound, that's not necessarily a bad thing. What I will be doing is finished the yearbook (I'm the adviser, and unlike with a high school yearbook where the students do nearly everything, I end up doing most of it). I'll be reading a lot (I just started an excellent book called Variant by Robison Wells about a private school where there are no teachers or other adults. Think Lord of the Flies in a boarding school, but with girls, too); going to Chicago Diner, the best vegetarian/vegan restaurant in Chicago, perhaps the world; finally doing some art and writing (I've felt a bit stagnant in the department lately...wait, that's a major understatement!).
thank u so much darling!!
i got your letter and will be sending one very very soon thank you oh so much!