Was assigned to my new project yesterday that doesn't start until end of July / August. It sounds like fun and could be a blast. Would also be a new genre for me.

Had a "first" date last night. Basics: Picked up CPK for dinner while we watched Peter Jackson's "Dead Alive" and followed up with lovely conversation for desert.


Good times.
What the fuck? Go T-Mobile!


Taxes, Fees and Surcharges

Item Amount
Government Fees and Taxes
Federal Excise Tax 1.79
CA Relay Service and Communications Device Fund 0.16
California High Cost Fund - A (CHCF-A) 0.07
California High Cost Fund - B (CHCF-B) 1.27
California Teleconnect Fund 0.08
Emergency Telephone Users Surcharge Tax (911) 0.36
Universal Lifeline Telephone Service Surcharge 0.81
City Utility Users Tax...
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Hey fellow Dev. I used to work at eala I tested MOH3. I work over at Pandemic Studios as a Designer now

fuck Tmobile. I got that same shit on my bill every month
Brian Who? I am a brian, hmm Brian Norton?
testing moh3 was very interesting. Working on Starwars Battlefront II
Comcast came today and partially fixed my cable. A crew is coming out to replace the actual cable that runs into my new apartment from the box down stairs as apparently the cable that Fred Flintstone ran back in the day isn't good enough.

Trying to decide if Vegas would be a good idea this weekend...hmmmmmmm.
Went to E3 on Wed-nes-day.

It was fun as usual but E3 for me isn't the same as when I first went. It's always a trip and crazy as shit but it's lost that "omg, this is the coolest thing ever!" feeling. It doesn't bother me though as I still look forward to going each year and still have fun regardless. Ill post some pics...
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House party time.

From one all night bender to another. Yay for vacation, yay indeed.

If your a fan of individuals that poses impressive linguistic skills and who can also bend the English language in ways that make you expunge liquid from you nose then you should pick up a couple comic books written by Alan Moore. These books are simply brilliant and they simply...
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Moving day!

Woot, its time to move upstairs to the slightly bigger studio. My friend who lived there until yesterday, she moved a couple doors down to a 1 bedroom, did a great job painting the kitchen and living area so that makes me equally excited about moving in there. Plus its way brighter upstairs as opposed to my dark corner down here.

On a...
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Thankyou for the comment on my set xoxox
Sun > Me

I got zapped by the sun yesterday or at least it felt that way. I got home from being out all morning/afternoon and by evening I was aching all over, not sickly like, but drained. Very weird. Just climbed into bed around 9:30pm and played God of War until passing out...

Feeling better today, going to head down the street for a...
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Ahh...vacation has begun. Medal Of Honor: European Assault is DONE. It's off to CQC and I'm off for four weeks, good trade off. The game turned out pretty good if I do say so my self. I can only hope our audience will think the same.

I finally made coffee and breakfast for the first time in months this morning and tonight I'll shall...
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Apparently Seth got pissed at me for one of my old journal entries in which I called him (by first and last name, whoops) an idiot or some such thing. So if that got transferred over to you...sorry about that.
Dust to Glory

I felt bad leaving work "early" tonight. By "early" I mean 6pm...but I got to see a free screening of Dust to Glory so it was worth it.

This documentary was done by the same guys that made the surfing documentary, Step Into Liquid, so I knew it would be worth checking out. It turned out to be a really good movie....
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Ya know, after the last three weeks I've come to appreciate the five days that come before each weekend... biggrin

I worked until 8:30pm Sat. night, came home to change and then headed up to the Vortex (friends house) up in the Hollywood Hills. From there we took taxis to the Garden of Eden. Pretty cool hip hop club, I wasn't in a hip-hop mood though...
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