I might be back.

But for now good morning, good afternoon, and if I don't see you again, good night.

It's been interesting.

Good times smile
lalalala de da!

Battlefield 2 comes out today. Productivity = 0

Going to see a screening of Bewitched tonight. Kidman kind of freaks me out though skull
/Start Rant

I watched Collateral Damage with pops last night. Was a decent movie but the very ending was a complete and utter disappointment. If your going to have a bunch of stuff happen that leaves people going, "What the fuck?" and then not give closer at least end the movie in a way that doesn't suck.

Given the whole movie was about humanity and...
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Two Technics turn tables and a Vestax mixer.

Go see CRASH.

I went with a friend to a screening of CRASH last night in Hollywood. I was hesitant at first as I knew it would be an emotional rollercoaster and I wasn't sure if I wanted to see a movie like that in a packed theatre. Glad I did. Everyone in LA should see this movie.

Powerful. Moving. Emotional. Crazy. True.

Good times. smile
Aw well, can't make everyone happy, *waves*

Any ways, this weekend was totally unfuckingproductive in regards to productive things thanks to the demo for Battlefield2 being unleashed onto the masses Friday. As expected it's nothing short of amazing. Some hiccups still linger but nothing a patch or two won't fix. The final product will be out on the 22nd of this month a highly recommended...
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ACMEGameStore.com SALE : Close Call : Brunch

If you live in LA stop by ACME, La Brea and Melrose, and check out their clearance/sale items. Some pretty good deals. I picked up Front Mission 4 and Metal Arms yesterday for less than $40. Plus the guys that works there are cool, the store is cool, everything is cool. ACME is way better than EB and...
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