Thinking back on my past relationships... I realize how much I've screwed up. I've tried so hard to force something unnatural. I tried to change who I was, or change who they were, or try to make something happen when there never was anything to begin with. I finally think I'm in the right relationship. I accept he'd completely and dont want her to change a thing. And she loves my flaws and finds me irresistible. We are absolutely perfect for each other. And for the first time in what seems like ages, I have a best friend again. I have someone who totally gets me and we can share a laugh or a long look, and know exactly what is on the others mind. I've found the one for me
More Blogs
Monday Sep 30, 2013
so we finally have a date. she is coming up to spend 3 days with me. … -
Tuesday Sep 24, 2013
so things are going well with crystal. we arent yet dating, but i sus… -
Sunday Sep 22, 2013
so have you ever had that defining moment? that one moment that every… -
Sunday Sep 08, 2013
so its been a few days since my last write in. i had a pretty good da… -
Thursday Sep 05, 2013
so what does one do in my situation? just as life is returning to … -
Monday Sep 02, 2013
So I finally got a good night sleep, even though i woke up a couple t… -
Friday Aug 30, 2013
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Friday Aug 30, 2013
been a few days, oh unknown listener, but life is getting better. … -
Wednesday Aug 28, 2013
The Earth is large. Large enough that you think you can hide from any… -
Tuesday Aug 27, 2013
You do not choose your destiny, it chooses you. And those that knew y…