There once was a Boy who was lost. He had wandered around from place to place his whole life, never really fitting in. No place really seemed like home, no group of people really felt like family. Sure there were times where he thought he belonged, and where he thought he had found the one, but it was never true.
At the same time, there was a Girl. A Girl who had seen so much pain in such a short time, that she built walls around her heart to protect herself. And who could blame her? The things she has been through are things that would break most normal people. But she isnt normal. She is something far beyond normal. She cant see it, and she would probably never believe it, but to someone out there, she was perfect. With all her little quirks and odd mannerisms, she was perfectly imperfect.
Two souls, adrift in a sea of troubles. Trying so hard to make it through the day and find meaning in the next. One trying desperately to make a life worth living, the other still experiencing everything for the first time. It's by pure luck, or maybe some greater force, that they should meet.
One fateful day the Boy decides he is tired of being alone and tired of not having a reason to fight. So he reaches out his hand. And coincidentally at the same time, the Girl decides to give it another shot, and reaches out her hand as well. In some kind of bizarre mix of events, they met. And started to talk. And started to feel a little more. Little conversations about this and that, little gestures, just the way they looked at eachother. The Boy knew this was something else. This wasn't just some girl. This was some Girl.
Ever since that day, the Boy couldnt get the thought of the Girl out of his mind. There was just something about her. Something about the way she looked at the world, something about the way she laughed, something about her point of veiw, that made him grow. When he saw her smile, it was like the room became brighter. And he knew he had found his purpose. To light up every room with her smile.
It became hard to sleep, because every dream was about the Girl. Hard to focus on work, because all he could do was think of the time he would get to see her. Hard to not talk about her to friends and family, because he already thought she was amazing. All this, and they had not yet even met face to face.
Then it finally came. They day they would meet face to face. The Boy was so nervous. "What if she doesn't like me? What if she thinks I'm not good looking enough? What if she doesn't feel the same way about me?" All these questions and thoughts burned in the Boy's mind as he got closer and closer to seeing her face. Then, with one embrace, the worry was gone. He held the Girl in his arms for only a moment, and he knew, she was so much more than he had thought.
The Boy had rehearsed different scenarios in his head over and over. On how the night would or could play out. But nothing could have prepared him for who the Girl was. She was a firecracker, she was something out of this world, she was unlike any he had ever known before. Could he ever really win the heart of someone so utterly perfect? Only time would tell. He knew that she had feelings for him too, and he knew it was hard for her to express them.
Everything he had ever known told him he should doubt all of this, that she was too good for him, that she would leave him like everyone else in his life had left him before. But he rememebred, she ISN'T like anyone he's ever known before. She's special.
Something as simple as holding her hand, rubbing his thumb across the back of her hand as she does the same to his, something about walking along together and turning towards eachother and just smiling. It was like magic. Like nothing else in the world mattered. Sure there were still doubts in the Boy's mind, but they werent pounding and harassing him anymore. He loved the Girl, and he could feel that just maybe, she was starting to feel the same. The Girl wasnt the best at telling others how she felt, not the best at expressing in words her emotions. But she didnt have to. The Boy was feeling that brick by brick, the wall around her heart was coming undone.
The Boy would fight, and do whatever it took to win the heart of the Girl who already had his heart. He had realized long before their first meet, that he had loved her. That she was his reason to strive to be a better person. She was his Muse. And he would do whatever he could to see that pretty smile every day.
...A story like this isnt one that can be told in a day, because it spans many days. And many more to come. A story like this has no ending, becuase it is being lived out and told as it happens. A story like this only gets new chapters as time progresses. The Boy and the Girl are happy together, right now, and thats all that can be asked of. Because life isnt something you can plan out, it is just something you have to let happen, and go with it. That is just one of the lessons the Boy learned from the Girl. With many more to come and many to teach her as well.
I guess there is only one thing to say. You are an amazing person Crystal. I love who you are and what you can do. I love what you've made me become, and what i know i can be. I love this crazy story and can't wait for the next chapter to unfold. Because at Crystal, from the begining of the story, to the end of it all, and on every single page, I love you. With all that I am. I am so in love with you.