Gonna stir up the ants here but I think that generally the SG photo shoots are dull and unimaginative. This is meant as constructive criticism because I really like SG. I don't come here to look at great photo shoots though. Common guys there is so much you can do with light. I hereby lay down an SG shoot challenge. Anyone who wants to compete...
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hurry up and edit your journal post befor anyone sees it " i won't be able to protect you smile
sorry about last night... I liked the photo idea... night times bad for me.

Hmm it'll be interesting to see where your challenge goes.
I had to make a decision recently about entering a relationship with someone significantly younger than myself. So I wracked my brain to find out what I really thought about the matter. Knowing that I can convince myself that almost anything is ok, I have put my thoughts up here for your scrutiny. Your opinions please?

About Relationships

I believe that there is a special...
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A connection is a connection, and sometimes the only way to know where it's gonna go is to actually surrender to the experience..From personal experience, "maturity" has little to do with age. I have dated men and women older than me who have been totally infantile in the way they conduct relationships. I have also had wonderful intellectually, sensually and emotionally satisfying relationship experiences with people much younger than myself. Open Communication is the Key...
the age thing is a really sensitive issue with me for a few reasons. i'll keep it out of your journal for the most part.
but if you can find a 20 something who wants a father figure (instead of a partner to go through life's stages with) great. i've never seen this work out in real life. i personally was happy to discover a few grey hairs on my parter the day i discovered a few on me.
i don't think of true love as having anything to do with the "click" feeling anyway. to me, that's just a spark. can burn out quickly. it happens all the time.
I am weighing up my career. Photography or publishing? Or should I do the music? Do you still live your career dream when you know you are going to be poor and that you could get half your dream if you were to do something else? and what if you have conflicting dreams? Anyone who can shed light on this issue, pls feel free!
Well enough silliness. Well here I am folks. Just waiting for my first question. Yes that's right, question. You see I was placed on this earth with a tremendous gift. Yes a gift!
You see I am, believe it or not, very good at questions! go on, try me. Ask me anything you like! I dare you! Go on! Now!!!
Disclaimer: All answers are considered...
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WELCOME to sg biggrin and a question hey. why are we on the earth? wink
hey mate we are having another hookup on the 27th of Feb thanks to rocketeerbring a plate and a mate and I'll see you there for yet another fun one.
Car got towed last night, $250, Got caught speeding night before $160 - Am I just not meant to enjoy for too long?
Today I realised I was finally on track and prepared to achieve my current goals. These are; to record a CD of songs I have written with a friend of mine called Ben who is a musical genius, get fitter, further develop my media company, find a girl and settle down on about a hundred acres of sunshine coast hinterland, which I want to turn...
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Well enough silliness. Well here I am folks. Just waiting for my first question. Yes that's right, question. You see I was placed on this earth with a tremendous gift. Yes a gift!
You see I am, believe it or not, very good at questions! go on, try me. Ask me anything you like! I dare you! Go on! Now!!!
Disclaimer: All answers are considered...
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Manda Moo, nice to see someone's paying attention. Piscies ehh? The genius! biggrin
Well, My life has been full of incredible experiences. Social and cultural, business and creative, emotionally enlightening misery, and joy, spiritually awakening bizarre experiences challenging "you name it" doctrines and phylosophies.
This unusual life has gifted me with incredible insight into myself and humanities "conditions" and this enlightenment often distances me from the every day man. Through societies conditioning, most people are generally in awe of anyone who exhibits self confidence and success and at the same time is friendly and approachable.
Hence they consider that person to be cool.
Oh, and yes it is relative to a social set but I am talking to you because your reality is the only one that matters since you asked the question. Remember only to the reader am I Mr Cool!

[Edited on Jan 13, 2005 10:36PM]
Why were we created, as in why are we here?

Go on smarty pants, answer me that confused
Well here I am after swearing I'd never be an SG Member. It was a member's comments that turned me around. All of a sudden it made sense, the whole SG thing. Becoming curiouser and curiouser, I now must explore!
Your face is melting. The only way you can stop it from falling off altogether is to send me money.

Or a dijeridoo.
Welcome to SG.