This could quite possibly be the worst week I've had in a very long time...

No amount of catchy soundbites or visual sunsets with inspirational words are going to change this... I think I need a long break in a hot country and the freedom to tear up the return ticket.

Actually, that's not a bad idea.

You never know...


I've got so much to do and the energy for none of it. The main reason is that I doubt any of it is ultimately worth it. Vicious Circle!


So, I've been offered a role which involves being completely nude. I haven't taken it yet, as I'm wondering if there's a law against frightening people into a cardiac arrest...


Haha do it!
Ha, I may yet. I'm tempted because, as a performer I want to be uncomfortable. But as a realistic human being, who took some time off and enjoyed food too much, I may not want to do it just yet... PLUS I'm a private person. Jury's out! 

anyone bother with the Oscars this year?' I know I didn't, and I know who won what but I don't think I've seen any winning film nor really in any hurry too. The exception to that is Birdman that I missed at the cinema due to work. Incidentally goodbye Eddie Redmayne's career. I'm sure his performance in (yet another oscar-winning) bio is incredible (even if...
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Y'know it's strange- I've never really been one for Blogging. It's not that I have nothing to say- I'm a decent enough writer methinks. Enough to have work performed at least. But after surfing through this site- which I'm really enjoying, incidentally, I found that the emphasis on writing is strangely... encouraging.
Let's not lie to ourselves here- it was the visual that brought many...
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