Happy almost Thanksgiving - time is moving at breakneck speed. I feel like I don't do much, but if I think about it - I guess I do a lot.
We went to Vegas for 2 nights, drank a lot, gambled a little, and otherwise relaxed.

(waiting at the Vegas airport to come home... hangovers intact)
My band finished our album - CD's are about to be ordered, artwork is done, recording, mixing, mastering -DONE.

(rewriting last minute lyrics)

In putting together the artwork, I found that a 12 1/2" Macbook Pro doesn't cut it when one wants photoshop, illustrator open, with multiple images in from of you at the same time. I figured out the cure for this: a 27" imac. Also great for movies..

We've been playing a lot of shows...

..and we love living in the Sunset.

I reckon life is good.. to be able to say that is enough.
We went to Vegas for 2 nights, drank a lot, gambled a little, and otherwise relaxed.

(waiting at the Vegas airport to come home... hangovers intact)
My band finished our album - CD's are about to be ordered, artwork is done, recording, mixing, mastering -DONE.

(rewriting last minute lyrics)

In putting together the artwork, I found that a 12 1/2" Macbook Pro doesn't cut it when one wants photoshop, illustrator open, with multiple images in from of you at the same time. I figured out the cure for this: a 27" imac. Also great for movies..

We've been playing a lot of shows...

..and we love living in the Sunset.

I reckon life is good.. to be able to say that is enough.
Your glasses are so cute.