Mexico was incredible, a much needed break from the real world for a week, great friends and great times... my girl and I got closer, and I couldn't be happier about things at the moment.
The San Jose convention was cool, but definitely slower than last year. I blame the economy and the fact we were working on Halloween on the lack of traffic. I still did some cool tattoos and talked to a lot of people, had a killer time.
In bigger news, my girl and I are going to Australia for around three months, leaving here sometime in February, taking a leave from the shop, putting all of my stuff in storage, selling the car and motorcycle. I want to give myself the option of doing whatever I want when I get back, which, despite the infinite planner in me, is the best option I (we) can come up with. My girl is quitting her job and doing the same with her place, we're just gonna see everything we can in Oz, I'll get to spend time with my family and friends, and do some tattoos up and down the Eastern coast. I'll put our travel itinerary up here as it comes together. I'll miss my dog, but my ex will take good care of him, and he'll be happy spending time with her and our other dog. All for now...

The San Jose convention was cool, but definitely slower than last year. I blame the economy and the fact we were working on Halloween on the lack of traffic. I still did some cool tattoos and talked to a lot of people, had a killer time.

In bigger news, my girl and I are going to Australia for around three months, leaving here sometime in February, taking a leave from the shop, putting all of my stuff in storage, selling the car and motorcycle. I want to give myself the option of doing whatever I want when I get back, which, despite the infinite planner in me, is the best option I (we) can come up with. My girl is quitting her job and doing the same with her place, we're just gonna see everything we can in Oz, I'll get to spend time with my family and friends, and do some tattoos up and down the Eastern coast. I'll put our travel itinerary up here as it comes together. I'll miss my dog, but my ex will take good care of him, and he'll be happy spending time with her and our other dog. All for now...

try to make a stop in Vienna, the flight is too long anyway
well i mean it for real!
i've been there for just 3 weeks - awesome!
all the best!