ahhhhhhh i just got attacked by a butterfly lol.Why the fuck can i pick up a spider or a snake but if a bug flys at me i freak out roflmao.Ive had about 8 spiders crawl on me even a funnel web on my shoe all flared up n i was calm as hell but ill be danmed if i sit still with a flying insect near me...untill i realise its just a moth or a butterfly.i think it may have something to do with being attacked by a mud wasp and on another occasion paper wasps.id say i was a fairy but....they would prolly scare me 2 fying around lmao.

Nah I haven't crashed it but I've noticed there are some shit drivers out there. Oh and the chicks like it
For some reason I can semi handle spiders, snakes, rats,mice, blood gore, but fucking cockroaches, earwigs or flying hard things freak me the fuck out too.
probably because you know they always go straight for the head. motherfuckers.