ahhhhhhh i just got attacked by a butterfly lol.Why the fuck can i pick up a spider or a snake but if a bug flys at me i freak out roflmao.Ive had about 8 spiders crawl on me even a funnel web on my shoe all flared up n i was calm as hell but ill be danmed if i sit still with a flying...
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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ill be 24 in 4 weeks.I feel like ive been robbed of 6yrs of my life.
aahhhh i was 24 two days ago...what a boring age. yeah i wouldnt mind going back a few years. Happy birthday in advance!
If there is one thing I do well, it is being an emokid and taking depressing photos!
I soooooooooooo can't wait for all of my nasal troubles to be over with. I've actually had a really good year so far, but this past infection def brought back some unwelcome memories

If there is one thing I do well, it is being an emokid and taking depressing photos!

I soooooooooooo can't wait for all of my nasal troubles to be over with. I've actually had a really good year so far, but this past infection def brought back some unwelcome memories

today is gonna suck monkey pole...have to go to work in 10min n ive had 2.5hrs sleep i also have brused ribs a sprained ankle and wrist and a kinked neck
.i think ill just sleep under the counter hehe...the codines making me dizzy

I went to work at 12, thinking i was working till 5:30, only to find out i was working at 12, finishing and then coming back again to work at 5:30...split shift....no fuckin way im workin all fuckin day...so i sed i had plans, which i do!im going to dinner where i work with the family hahaha....ill probably get some dirty looks!
sleeping under the counter could be fun!
sleeping under the counter could be fun!
Had a great time lastnight,good music,good friends and good beer.The windmills put on a fantastic show.we stuck around for the other bands n played some pool then went down to badgirls lol was fun,1st strip joint trip ive had.Went to jimmies after that n got hammered till the wee hrs of the morn and i passed out on a couch in the backyard,it was really...
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Nuthin better than a night filled with good music, good friends and good beer!I hope to be having one of those nights very soon!Im in dire need of some fun fun fun!i love goin to strip joints, they are fun!And somebody always pays for me to get a lappy!lol
YAY tomorrow night is gonna be sweet.all the crew together at the shammy.been along time since i seen some of em.Its gonna be a big night if any one wants to come where going to the shamrock to see a mates band,Violent windmills and 3 others $7 plus an after party at the bands house

lol thats totally what i thawt of!i chucked a bart simspson!Maybe someone put it there for me to grab on purpose!...doing experiments!
I havent had a pot thrown at me yet, but hey, anything is possible!Its so annoying tho, things werent even hectic today and they were just being complete dicks!I cant talk to people the way they were for the simple reason that i know that other person might punch me in the head lol!They must have no idea what cunts they are!
I havent had a pot thrown at me yet, but hey, anything is possible!Its so annoying tho, things werent even hectic today and they were just being complete dicks!I cant talk to people the way they were for the simple reason that i know that other person might punch me in the head lol!They must have no idea what cunts they are!
it a hard life getting outta bed at 1pm

lol i used to sleep in till about 4 or 5 everyday....then work till midnight...then drink some beers...then sleep till 4 or 5!ahhh the life...
yah, im likin the rain!!its still sorta set in...i like it, i like it alot!
OMFG i think im in love
i asked this girl about some new tunes n she gave me this list
all that remains,
ill nino,
children of bodom,
as cities burn,
city in panic.
august burns red,
day of contempt,
from the ruins,
haste the day,
kids like us,
mourning tide,
most precious blood,
i almost had a...
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i asked this girl about some new tunes n she gave me this list
all that remains,
ill nino,
children of bodom,
as cities burn,
city in panic.
august burns red,
day of contempt,
from the ruins,
haste the day,
kids like us,
mourning tide,
most precious blood,
i almost had a...
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fucking hell just went for my 1st skate in months...i feel like my legs are gonna fall off,glad im not working tommorow....im going for another skate lmao.
what a weird day ive just been doing all the shit i did when i was 16.got up went to the bakery for an EZ breakfast...at 11:30 lol then blasted the neighborhood with some punk tunes(goldfinger n less...
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what a weird day ive just been doing all the shit i did when i was 16.got up went to the bakery for an EZ breakfast...at 11:30 lol then blasted the neighborhood with some punk tunes(goldfinger n less...
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Somebody skated down my street this morning, a sound i haven't heard in ages but i recognised it immediately and from my bed yelled 'skate or die', haha.
I thought i had lost me skateboards in the move to my current house 5 years ago, but my mum delivered them a few weeks ago and said she fouhd them in her roof.....no idea how they got there.
With a broken neck, broken hip and no real balance from my spinal injuries, i would never seriously go skating like i used to every day, but just rollin up my driveway occassionally is a huge thrill. Damn i miss being young and kamikaze
I thought i had lost me skateboards in the move to my current house 5 years ago, but my mum delivered them a few weeks ago and said she fouhd them in her roof.....no idea how they got there.
With a broken neck, broken hip and no real balance from my spinal injuries, i would never seriously go skating like i used to every day, but just rollin up my driveway occassionally is a huge thrill. Damn i miss being young and kamikaze
yay for childhood relives!! i do it all the time
go 80s!! 

Nah I haven't crashed it but I've noticed there are some shit drivers out there. Oh and the chicks like it
For some reason I can semi handle spiders, snakes, rats,mice, blood gore, but fucking cockroaches, earwigs or flying hard things freak me the fuck out too.
probably because you know they always go straight for the head. motherfuckers.