its been a long time. i'm a little pissed off at the moment because i went to check how much money was in my checking account so i could buy a sleater-kinney ticket and guess what? SG automatically billed me for another 3 months. $18. i don't even go on here at all anymore because i am back at home and quite frankly its not easy to look at a site full of naked gals when you live with your exboyfriend and his parents (yea, thats right, he's my ex now) and the computer is right where everyone can see, even if i just go on here for the community really anymore. it was not made clear to me when i signed up that i'd automatically be rebilled. i almost want to see if i can cancel this account and just get a refund because right now i am rather poor and pissed off that my $18 is gone. cuz that is how much my sleater-kinney ticket would be. god dammit. i am NOT a happy girl right now.

that's sux....but some how it seems your account got set up auto pay.....Sorry your pissed off....I just missed ya....I hope you can still goto your said concert..... 

Mine is up for renewal soon, and I'm going to be pissed if it automatically takes money from my checking because I am really poor right now too. Let me know what actions you take against this so I can make sure it doesnt' happen to me please.