I'm fucking tired from this weekend.boy did I have a little bit o fun.Fucking work couldn't get over soon enough to day.I have to write some thank yous.I meet some really nice people sat night.
I just filled out that new "dating profile".Looking at it I'm kinda sorry I did.I'm looking for Booty and friendship?What am I a retarded pirate
!?I think most people who joined this site are into making new friends, thats why you would join right?I'm looking to make friends.Nothing wrong with that right?Now I'm advertising that I'm single?So..I don't have to many friends and I don't...
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aww thanks.
i love your pic boy. and yes, you are a retarded pirate. but i find them very sexy. so dont change! how'd court go? do i need to smack the shit out of anyone for you? they mess with you, they mess with me!

You know what?I really like to drink at the brewery.You know its good to have a hobby.Everybody should see sean of the dead its fucking funny.
I'm goin' to a strip club tuesday night...and I might get a job there

you can call me queen if you so choose to hahaha
Had a good weekend.Fri. I stayed in cause I was tired.Sat.I had to work but quit early.The lady next door to our job gave us some beer
Whats better than free beer?Then that night I shot out to Marlboro To gang with my brother,but he wasn't getting out of work till 11pm.I tryed to drag his girl out with me to the corner dive bar...
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sounds like someone had fun
my weekends are fairly uneventful but this weekend I get to go to boston
my weekends are fairly uneventful but this weekend I get to go to boston
good idea on just hanging up life i will consider that.
Staying in tonight to watch the sox.I'm fucking tired.I worked a 10 hr day today.I smell like bleach from power washing,I hate that.I talked to my buddy that I went out to watch the game with wednesday.Dudes funny he asked me how he got home that night.I told him I stuffed him in a cab after we were kicked out of the bar.He's a good...
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I had to leave the poly relationship I was in. I'm too insecure for that kinda stuff. so now he's just with the other girl and I'm all alone...again
[Edited on Sep 25, 2004 2:03PM]

[Edited on Sep 25, 2004 2:03PM]
being alone is never fun. I could use a little excitment.
Ok who went to see the Dropkicks?I didn't see any SG's representing in boston yesterday.Of corse I was blind stinking drunk so you all might of sliped passed me

sorry i wasn't in boston yesterday. stuck in melbourne with no cash to get a flight. you know the drill....ha...

Went out tonight with a friend to watch the sox.Thank god they won.Too close Again!WTF! I'm Buzzed as hell.This has been a hard week as it is.Sun. I strained my knee Caught a chest cold.I'm getting old.THe little punk rock kids at the drop kick murphys made me feel really old. God bless them.I feel like a teenager in a elderly persons body.So tomarrow hung over,Sick,with a bum knee,should be a wicked good day!
Oct.18 I go back to get my "trial date"Then the fun really starts.Time is running out on me.I need a lover I need a friend,a partner in crime,a means to an end.Heres A question for you.what would you do If you knew your days were drawing to an end.Your life as you know it was to forever be changed.A personal Apocalypse.How do you spend the...
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that depends...how long is your freedom gonna be gone for? me...id do the biggest hit of smack i could afford...atleast a bundle and never again wake up. but thats just me.
I'd be comforted that maybe my worse problems were coming to an end and hope for the ones to come to not be so bad. I'd go to Ireland and walk everywhere before my freedom would be up. I'd stare at the sky and other surroundings and freeze frame it into my memory, if I would get my freedom again, I'd think it'd be the best thing to look forward to. And perhaps this would change if I was in that situation. I've thought of this before though.
I have to be in fucking superior court tomarrow!FUCK.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you tomorrow, Love. There are quite a few people that can relate, but i'm one of them. Life goes on though man. They can take your freedom away only in the physical sense, cause our minds always run free. I was at this party the other day talking to this kid that was so fucking angry, He was facing 25-life because of this shoot-out he was involved in, That makes a few months or a few years sound petty, Made my problems seem miniscule. If you need a penpal when you're locked up, Let me now, I know i could use one when i get locked up next month, Its only a few weeks away now and my anxiety keeps rising, fuck, anyways really i just wanted to let you know i'll be thinking about you tomorrow, keep me posted on what happens.
Love, Lil
Love, Lil
hey stranger! ive missed you. my fingers, toes and hair are all crossed for you. as lil said, if you need an overseas writer, im up there with ya. all my love babe.

Another fucked up weekend for me.I had plans and then at the last min.my poor impuse controle kicks in and I'm rolling!I need to cut out this antisocial bull shit.I'm broke now too!
Man I really fucked myself up this weekend.Why I do this shit to myself I'll never understand.
Oh noooo.
What did u do? Hopefully its nothing like what Im going thru ... which ... well, u know how THAT is.
U can call me at home if ya want, although .. Im not the best conversationalist right now.

U can call me at home if ya want, although .. Im not the best conversationalist right now.
I'm not a lawyer yet and can't give you any official advice, but I might be able to point you in the right direction if you need some help.
I'm stuck, at home on a friday night.Nothing new really.I could kill someone tonight.I used to have a full and happy life.Poor choices got me here.In this house in frount of this computer.Waiting.Waiting to get my life back.Waiting to lose my freedom.Waiting to get a letter from my girl.Hopeing for the best,exspecting the worst.I need to prepair myself for the worst.I have not abandonded hope.Nights...
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the right thing is to get you shit together. thge wrong thing is to go out partying and gettin drunk every week. you can stay out of trouble by working, and not goin out when you are not at work
Sometimes I get so mad at myself.Every time I go out I lose something.My keys,watch,sunglasses,ect.Monday I lost my wallet,again!thats the second one this year.I had like 300 bucks in it too!It was so much cause I went to Redemption to see if I could get a walk in .That turned out to be wishful thinking.Then I went to check out that place in Harvard Square...
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i do what i can....
Ill call ya soon