To Be Free is To Be Alone.
To Be Free is To Be Alone.
To Be Free is To Be Alone.
mantra to keep reminding myself.
It would seem that some sort of mass compulsion is taking place. Everyone around me has been experiencing what I feel is some sort of phenomenon. I truly wonder if these are final days to a major chapter in...
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To Be Free is To Be Alone.
To Be Free is To Be Alone.
mantra to keep reminding myself.
It would seem that some sort of mass compulsion is taking place. Everyone around me has been experiencing what I feel is some sort of phenomenon. I truly wonder if these are final days to a major chapter in...
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So, I have started the sound series "Motions Through Ambience", and it's on it's path to a new form and mutation of itself. Check out the website to hear the first version, then come see it's latest incarnation at a live show. All the songs have a clip at I guarantee it's already not what it started as, and it only gets darker, thicker...
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Welcome to 'Society' in 2005. The strongest, richest country in the world powerless in it's consistent lack of consideration for those at the bottom, for those who are to this day still living in opression, right here in Amerikkka.
Some of you may have already seen this. I thought it was important to
It is a little hard to read, but not hard...
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I love reading your journals...after I do so..Im always thinking deeper and in a different dimension...thank you...

I will digress into the form I was, the body i am.
This is my only way to be alive.
I breathe the sound the song of death, to relive a moment of sighing breath.
I release to the sea my heart and skin, for the fish to swim and die again.
As the moon does burn foretold path in, the night will come to...
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This is my only way to be alive.
I breathe the sound the song of death, to relive a moment of sighing breath.
I release to the sea my heart and skin, for the fish to swim and die again.
As the moon does burn foretold path in, the night will come to...
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Welcome to SGPDX
Sometimes I just need to sleep real hard.
I'll sing you a lullaby. . .

Sometimes I have to squint real hard.
Sometimes I have to dig really hard.
Sometimes I have to try real hard.
Sometimes you just have to squeeze real hard.
Marking this day as 4 years have past, since, since that day a shift pushed us into walking backwards uphill rolling rocks a wicked takeover of the belief system that controlled the masses in the first place.
You've accomplished all much more than any of us ever expected. Creating a frenzy so out of control that not even the creator has reigns upon it's frankenstein....
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You've accomplished all much more than any of us ever expected. Creating a frenzy so out of control that not even the creator has reigns upon it's frankenstein....
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I find myself in pursuit. I am searching for nothing in particular. Only an indication that your are as human as I. Within that indication, a justification for what ails me. The diseased mind has often been a product of diagnosis, so this becomes my war. I fight for a clear distinction between the things that are naturally unstable and unnaturally stable. The same war...
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It is, a l0v3 affair.
Yours or mine?
You'll never want to screw again. . .
Every customer today was telling me they saw me on the news, dammit.
I was obsessing a bit much! I watched it online a few times, in slow mo. My voice does sound weird, and I move my lips funny. (Of course my voice sounds weird when you mess with it