Wow , so it`s really been awhile since I`ve blogged on here "/ . Sorry about that . I go through these phases where I blog all the time & then I get bored of it & stop . Right now I`m back in my blogging phase , so I`ll be updating more often
Here`s a picture of the Navy girl pinup tattoo that...
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Here`s a picture of the Navy girl pinup tattoo that...
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amazing tattoo :love
Wonderful tat! I'm a sailor at heart so I love it, haha. Also cause it's the vintage-style pinup. Very nice!
pretty pin up! you are cuteeee...
i'm from houston too!

I dig your little unicorn.
If you and your man dig Dub Reggae , Hip-Hop or Deep House...I'm gonna be out in HI playing a couple of gigs. If that's your scene you guys should link up.
Peace + Protection
If you and your man dig Dub Reggae , Hip-Hop or Deep House...I'm gonna be out in HI playing a couple of gigs. If that's your scene you guys should link up.
Peace + Protection
Ugh, so this really sucks! I'm back on my MacBook because my brand new Dell Inspiron laptop broke! Wth?!? My Dell isn't even 2 months old yet&it's already broken D:. I called the Dell tech support&the guy there said that I needed a brand new keyboard. Apparently mine is busted, which is RIDICULOUS because I only used that keyboard for a grand total of 2...
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most of my tattoo ideas come from comic book characters with tattoos, but all the ones i have now are music-related. i'm a nerd at heart, dude. 

Dell over Mac??!! You must not have enough power on your Macbook. Because my 2 gig iMac is sooooo much faster than my piece of crap Dell laptop. Sorry about your Dell, but I can't stand PC's....
But that's just one guys opinion!!

But that's just one guys opinion!!
sorry i didn't update the past 2 days. we had a scheduled power outage (lame lame lame!!!) for the past 2 days for like 8 hours at a time&when i FINALLY got the power back on i just played on my wii. i don't even know why they turned the power off ... they sent us this thing in the mail saying they were going...
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Wow you got a lot going on! Take care and good to see an update here in your blog! Hope we can see a new set when everything clears up! Take care...
okay wow so i haven't updated in ages. it makes me feel kind of bad D: i'll try to update more.
hopefully (&i know i keep saying this lulz) next week i can get my new set pictures taken. i guess i've just been really lazy about it xD. but i promise that i will try my hardest to be unlazy&get those pictures taken!
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hopefully (&i know i keep saying this lulz) next week i can get my new set pictures taken. i guess i've just been really lazy about it xD. but i promise that i will try my hardest to be unlazy&get those pictures taken!
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ohh wii tennis and bowling are my faves! My sister got a wii for Christmas and my dad got a margarita machine so we played drunk wii for a few days haha.
4 years is a long time in Japan but I hear that certain parts are beautiful.
Hope you get to shoot your set soon..can't wait to see it!
4 years is a long time in Japan but I hear that certain parts are beautiful.
Hope you get to shoot your set soon..can't wait to see it!
It's so true...people are so ignorant when it comes to mental illness and mental health
So yesterday I FINALLY FOUND A WII!!! I looked pretty much everywhere online to find one ... & of course, no one had one in stock that wasn't like, 600 effing dollars. Like, I'm sorry, but I REALLY don't want all those games with it because I'm not going to play them. Now, if they came with good games, such as Sims 2 Pets or...
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Okay, so I promise that this will the the last time that I complain about this, ahahaa xD. So yesterday I pretty much tried everything to make Sims 2 work on my computer. I downloaded & installed DirectX. I ran the game in XP instead of Vista. Yeah, none of that worked! The game still froze >.<. It's just incredibly frustrating because I really want...
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Did you try right clicking on the Sims 2 and running as Administrator? I've never used Vista before, but my son just got a laptop for Christmas. I couldn't even get Morrowind to run correctly at first, and it's 7 years old. I read some Morrowind boards, and someone had suggested running it that way and now it works great.
Actually no, I haven't tried that! Thanks
. I'll try that today.

Okay, wow, so I'm glad that it's not just my computer that's messed up. Apparently A LOT of people are having problems with Sims 2 working on their Vista machine. I was reading a bunch of articles today & there's SO much stuff that you need to have if you use Vista to make the game work. If you have XP, you only need what,...
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cool, more xanga drama! just what i wanted in life >.<. one of my xanga friends left me a comment today saying that this person on xanga was making fun of me. now, i don't know why people do this! i am a very nice person - probs too nice for my own good - & i have NEVER been mean to anyone on there,...
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wow, a blog. tbh, i'm not much of a blog person. i used to have an account on livejournal, but i shut it down because it just got boring after awhile, ahahaa. but i guess i'll give it another shot
. but first, i must warn you - my blog will probs be pretty boring. my life is in no way exciting or fun or...
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And what part of all that do you think is boring? I thought it was rather informative and interesting myself. That shit with the Sims sucks. I hate games that do that. Well, I should go for now. Don't you dare come over here and start cussing me out! Good luck.